Version: alpha
sprite.play_flipbook() | Play an animation on a sprite component |
sprite.set_hflip() | set horizontal flipping on a sprite's animations |
sprite.set_vflip() | set vertical flipping on a sprite's animations |
animation_done | reports that an animation has completed |
play_animation | play a sprite animation |
animation | hash sprite animation |
cursor | number sprite cursor |
frame_count | hash sprite frame_count |
image | hash sprite image |
material | hash sprite material |
playback_rate | number sprite playback_rate |
scale | vector3 sprite scale |
size | vector3 sprite size |
slice | vector4 sprite slice |
Play an animation on a sprite component from its tile set An optional completion callback function can be provided that will be called when the animation has completed playing. If no function is provided, a animation_done message is sent to the script that started the animation.
url |
string, hash, url |
the sprite that should play the animation |
id |
string, hash |
hashed id of the animation to play |
[complete_function] |
function(self, message_id, message, sender) |
function to call when the animation has completed.
[play_properties] |
table |
optional table with properties:
The following examples assumes that the model has id "sprite". How to play the "jump" animation followed by the "run" animation:local function anim_done(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("animation_done") then
if == hash("jump") then
-- jump animation done, chain with "run"
sprite.play_flipbook(url, "run")
function init(self)
local url = msg.url("#sprite")
sprite.play_flipbook(url, "jump", anim_done)
Sets horizontal flipping of the provided sprite's animations. The sprite is identified by its URL. If the currently playing animation is flipped by default, flipping it again will make it appear like the original texture.
url |
string, hash, url |
the sprite that should flip its animations |
flip |
boolean |
true if the sprite should flip its animations, false if not |
How to flip a sprite so it faces the horizontal movement:function update(self, dt)
-- calculate self.velocity somehow
sprite.set_hflip("#sprite", self.velocity.x < 0)
Sets vertical flipping of the provided sprite's animations. The sprite is identified by its URL. If the currently playing animation is flipped by default, flipping it again will make it appear like the original texture.
url |
string, hash, url |
the sprite that should flip its animations |
flip |
boolean |
true if the sprite should flip its animations, false if not |
How to flip a sprite in a game which negates gravity as a game mechanic:function update(self, dt)
-- calculate self.up_side_down somehow, then:
sprite.set_vflip("#sprite", self.up_side_down)
This message is sent to the sender of a play_animation
message when the
animation has completed.
Note that this message is sent only for animations that play with the following
playback modes:
current_tile |
number |
the current tile of the sprite |
id |
hash |
id of the animation that was completed |
How to sequence two animations together.function init(self)
-- play jump animation at init"#sprite", "play_animation", {id = hash("jump")})
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
-- check for animation done response
if message_id == hash("animation_done") then
-- start the walk animation"#sprite", "play_animation", { id = hash("walk") })
Post this message to a sprite component to make it play an animation from its tile set.
id |
hash |
the id of the animation to play |
In the example, it is assumed that the instance of the script has a sprite-component with id "sprite". The sprite itself is assumed to be bound to a tile set with animations "walk" and "jump""#sprite", "play_animation", {id = hash("jump")})
READ ONLY The current animation id. An animation that plays currently for the sprite. The type of the property is hash.
How to get theanimation
on component "sprite":
function init(self)
local animation = go.get("#sprite", "animation")
The normalized animation cursor. The type of the property is number.
How to get the normalized cursor value:function init(self)
-- Get the cursor value on component "sprite"
local cursor = go.get("#sprite", "cursor")
function init(self)
-- Set the cursor on component "sprite" to make the animation go from 0
go.set("#sprite", "cursor", 0.0)
-- Animate the cursor value
go.animate("#sprite", "cursor", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_FORWARD, 1.0, go.EASING_LINEAR, 2)
READ ONLY The frame count of the currently playing animation.
How to get theframe_count
on component "sprite":
function init(self)
local frame_count = go.get("#sprite", "frame_count")
The image used when rendering the sprite. The type of the property is hash.
How to set image using a script property (see resource.atlas)"my_image", resource.atlas("/atlas.atlas"))
function init(self)
go.set("#sprite", "image", self.my_image)
The material used when rendering the sprite. The type of the property is hash.
How to set material using a script property (see resource.material)"my_material", resource.material("/material.material"))
function init(self)
go.set("#sprite", "material", self.my_material)
The animation playback rate. A multiplier to the animation playback rate. The type of the property is number. The playback_rate is a non-negative number, a negative value will be clamped to 0.
How to set the playback_rate on component "sprite" to play at double the current speed:function init(self)
-- Get the current value on component "sprite"
playback_rate = go.get("#sprite", "playback_rate")
-- Set the playback_rate to double the previous value.
go.set("#sprite", "playback_rate", playback_rate * 2)
The non-uniform scale of the sprite. The type of the property is vector3.
How to scale a sprite independently along the X and Y axis:function init(self)
-- Double the y-axis scaling on component "sprite"
local yscale = go.get("#sprite", "scale.y")
go.set("#sprite", "scale.y", yscale * 2)
The size of the sprite, not allowing for any additional scaling that may be applied. The type of the property is vector3. It is not possible to set the size if the size mode of the sprite is set to auto.
How to query a sprite's size, either as a vector or selecting a specific dimension:function init(self)
-- get size from component "sprite"
local size = go.get("#sprite", "size")
local sx = go.get("#sprite", "size.x")
-- do something useful
assert(size.x == sx)
The slice values of the sprite. The type of the property is a vector4 that corresponds to the left, top, right, bottom values of the sprite in the editor. It is not possible to set the slice property if the size mode of the sprite is set to auto.
How to query a sprite's slice values, either as a vector or selecting a specific dimension:function init(self)
local slice = go.get("#sprite", "slice")
local slicex = go.get("#sprite", "slice.x")
assert(slice.x == slicex)
function init(self)
-- animate the entire slice vector at once
go.animate("#sprite", "slice", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, vmath.vector4(96, 96, 96, 96), go.EASING_INCUBIC, 2)
-- or animate a single component
go.animate("#sprite", "slice.y", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, 32, go.EASING_INCUBIC, 8)