Version: alpha
final() | called when a script component is finalized |
fixed_update() | called at fixed intervals to update the script component |
go.animate() | animates a named property of the specified game object or component |
go.cancel_animations() | cancels all or specified property animations of the game object or component |
go.delete() | delete one or more game object instances |
go.exists() | check if the specified game object exists |
go.get() | gets a named property of the specified game object or component |
go.get_id() | gets the id of an instance |
go.get_parent() | get the parent for a specific game object instance |
go.get_position() | gets the position of a game object instance |
go.get_rotation() | gets the rotation of the game object instance |
go.get_scale() | gets the 3D scale factor of the game object instance |
go.get_scale_uniform() | gets the uniform scale factor of the game object instance |
go.get_world_position() | gets the game object instance world position |
go.get_world_rotation() | gets the game object instance world rotation |
go.get_world_scale() | gets the game object instance world 3D scale factor |
go.get_world_scale_uniform() | gets the uniform game object instance world scale factor |
go.get_world_transform() | gets the game object instance world transform matrix | | define a property for the script |
go.set() | sets a named property of the specified game object or component, or a material constant |
go.set_parent() | sets the parent for a specific game object instance |
go.set_position() | sets the position of the game object instance |
go.set_rotation() | sets the rotation of the game object instance |
go.set_scale() | sets the scale factor of the game object instance |
go.world_to_local_position() | convert position to game object's coordinate space |
go.world_to_local_transform() | convert transformation matrix to game object's coordinate space |
init() | called when a script component is initialized |
on_input() | called when user input is received |
on_message() | called when a message has been sent to the script component |
on_reload() | called when the script component is reloaded |
update() | called every frame to update the script component |
acquire_input_focus | acquires the user input focus |
disable | disables the receiving component |
enable | enables the receiving component |
release_input_focus | releases the user input focus |
set_parent | sets the parent of the receiving instance |
euler | vector3 game object euler rotation |
position | vector3 game object position |
rotation | quaternion game object rotation |
scale | number game object scale |
This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when a script component is finalized (destroyed). It can be used to e.g. take some last action, report the finalization to other game object instances, delete spawned objects or release user input focus (see release_input_focus).
self |
object |
reference to the script state to be used for storing data |
function final(self)
-- report finalization"my_friend_instance", "im_dead", {my_stats = self.some_value})
This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine at fixed intervals to update the state of a script component. The function will be called if 'Fixed Update Frequency' is enabled in the Engine section of game.project. It can for instance be used to update game logic with the physics simulation if using a fixed timestep for the physics (enabled by ticking 'Use Fixed Timestep' in the Physics section of game.project).
self |
object |
reference to the script state to be used for storing data |
dt |
number |
the time-step of the frame update |
This is only supported for numerical properties. If the node property is already being
animated, that animation will be canceled and replaced by the new one.
If a complete_function
(lua function) is specified, that function will be called when the animation has completed.
By starting a new animation in that function, several animations can be sequenced together. See the examples for more information.
If you call go.animate()
from a game object's final()
any passed complete_function
will be ignored and never called upon animation completion.
See the properties guide for which properties can be animated and the animation guide for how
url |
string, hash, url |
url of the game object or component having the property |
property |
string, hash |
id of the property to animate |
playback |
constant |
playback mode of the animation
to |
number, vector3, vector4, quaternion |
target property value |
easing |
constant, vector |
easing to use during animation. Either specify a constant, see the animation guide for a complete list, or a vmath.vector with a curve |
duration |
number |
duration of the animation in seconds |
[delay] |
number |
delay before the animation starts in seconds |
[complete_function] |
function(self, url, property) |
optional function to call when the animation has completed
Animate the position of a game object to x = 10 during 1 second, then y = 20 during 1 second:local function x_done(self, url, property)
go.animate(go.get_id(), "position.y", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, 20, go.EASING_LINEAR, 1)
function init(self)
go.animate(go.get_id(), "position.x", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, 10, go.EASING_LINEAR, 1, 0, x_done)
local values = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }
local vec = vmath.vector(values)
go.animate("go", "position.y", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, 100, vec, 2.0)
By calling this function, all or specified stored property animations of the game object or component will be canceled. See the properties guide for which properties can be animated and the animation guide for how to animate them.
url |
string, hash, url |
url of the game object or component |
[property] |
string, hash |
optional id of the property to cancel |
Cancel the animation of the position of a game object:go.cancel_animations(go.get_id(), "position")
Delete one or more game objects identified by id. Deletion is asynchronous meaning that
the game object(s) are scheduled for deletion which will happen at the end of the current
frame. Note that game objects scheduled for deletion will be counted against
in "game.project" until they are actually removed.
Deleting a game object containing a particle FX component emitting particles will not immediately stop the particle FX from emitting particles. You need to manually stop the particle FX using particlefx.stop()
Deleting a game object containing a sound component that is playing will not immediately stop the sound from playing. You need to manually stop the sound using sound.stop()
[id] |
string, hash, url, table |
optional id or table of id's of the instance(s) to delete, the instance of the calling script is deleted by default |
[recursive] |
boolean |
optional boolean, set to true to recursively delete child hiearchy in child to parent order |
This example demonstrates how to delete game objects-- Delete the script game object
-- Delete a game object with the id "my_game_object".
local id = go.get_id("my_game_object") -- retrieve the id of the game object to be deleted
-- Delete a list of game objects.
local ids = { hash("/my_object_1"), hash("/my_object_2"), hash("/my_object_3") }
-- Delete the script game object and it's children
-- Delete a game object with the id "my_game_object" and it's children.
local id = go.get_id("my_game_object") -- retrieve the id of the game object to be deleted
go.delete(id, true)
-- Delete a list of game objects and their children.
local ids = { hash("/my_object_1"), hash("/my_object_2"), hash("/my_object_3") }
go.delete(ids, true)
check if the specified game object exists
url |
string, hash, url |
url of the game object to check |
exists |
bool | true if the game object exists |
Check if game object "my_game_object" existsgo.exists("/my_game_object")
gets a named property of the specified game object or component
url |
string, hash, url |
url of the game object or component having the property |
property |
string, hash |
id of the property to retrieve |
[options] |
table |
optional options table - index integer index into array property (1 based) - key hash name of internal property |
value |
any | the value of the specified property |
Get a named propertyfunction init(self)
-- get the resource of a certain gui font
local font_hash = go.get("#gui", "fonts", {key = "system_font_BIG"})
Returns or constructs an instance identifier. The instance id is a hash of the absolute path to the instance.
is specified, it can either be absolute or relative to the instance of the calling script.path
is not specified, the id of the game object instance the script is attached to will be returned.PARAMETERS
[path] |
string |
path of the instance for which to return the id |
id |
hash | instance id |
For the instance with path/my_sub_collection/my_instance
, the following calls are equivalent:
local id = go.get_id() -- no path, defaults to the instance containing the calling script
print(id) --> hash: [/my_sub_collection/my_instance]
local id = go.get_id("/my_sub_collection/my_instance") -- absolute path
print(id) --> hash: [/my_sub_collection/my_instance]
local id = go.get_id("my_instance") -- relative path
print(id) --> hash: [/my_sub_collection/my_instance]
Get the parent for a game object instance.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get parent for, defaults to the instance containing the calling script |
parent_id |
hash, nil | parent instance or nil |
Get parent of the instance containing the calling script:local parent_id = go.get_parent()
local parent_id = go.get_parent("x")
The position is relative the parent (if any). Use go.get_world_position to retrieve the global world position.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the position for, by default the instance of the calling script |
position |
vector3 | instance position |
Get the position of the game object instance the script is attached to:local p = go.get_position()
local pos = go.get_position("my_gameobject")
The rotation is relative to the parent (if any). Use go.get_world_rotation to retrieve the global world rotation.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the rotation for, by default the instance of the calling script |
rotation |
quaternion | instance rotation |
Get the rotation of the game object instance the script is attached to:local r = go.get_rotation()
local r = go.get_rotation("x")
The scale is relative the parent (if any). Use go.get_world_scale to retrieve the global world 3D scale factor.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the scale for, by default the instance of the calling script |
scale |
vector3 | instance scale factor |
Get the scale of the game object instance the script is attached to:local s = go.get_scale()
local s = go.get_scale("x")
The uniform scale is relative the parent (if any). If the underlying scale vector is non-uniform the min element of the vector is returned as the uniform scale factor.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the uniform scale for, by default the instance of the calling script |
scale |
number | uniform instance scale factor |
Get the scale of the game object instance the script is attached to:local s = go.get_scale_uniform()
local s = go.get_scale_uniform("x")
The function will return the world position calculated at the end of the previous frame. Use go.get_position to retrieve the position relative to the parent.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the world position for, by default the instance of the calling script |
position |
vector3 | instance world position |
Get the world position of the game object instance the script is attached to:local p = go.get_world_position()
local p = go.get_world_position("x")
The function will return the world rotation calculated at the end of the previous frame. Use go.get_rotation to retrieve the rotation relative to the parent.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the world rotation for, by default the instance of the calling script |
rotation |
quaternion | instance world rotation |
Get the world rotation of the game object instance the script is attached to:local r = go.get_world_rotation()
local r = go.get_world_rotation("x")
The function will return the world 3D scale factor calculated at the end of the previous frame. Use go.get_scale to retrieve the 3D scale factor relative to the parent. This vector is derived by decomposing the transformation matrix and should be used with care. For most cases it should be fine to use go.get_world_scale_uniform instead.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the world scale for, by default the instance of the calling script |
scale |
vector3 | instance world 3D scale factor |
Get the world 3D scale of the game object instance the script is attached to:local s = go.get_world_scale()
local s = go.get_world_scale("x")
The function will return the world scale factor calculated at the end of the previous frame. Use go.get_scale_uniform to retrieve the scale factor relative to the parent.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the world scale for, by default the instance of the calling script |
scale |
number | instance world scale factor |
Get the world scale of the game object instance the script is attached to:local s = go.get_world_scale_uniform()
local s = go.get_world_scale_uniform("x")
The function will return the world transform matrix calculated at the end of the previous frame.
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the world transform for, by default the instance of the calling script |
transform |
matrix4 | instance world transform |
Get the world transform of the game object instance the script is attached to:local m = go.get_world_transform()
local m = go.get_world_transform("x"),value)
This function defines a property which can then be used in the script through the self-reference. The properties defined this way are automatically exposed in the editor in game objects and collections which use the script. Note that you can only use this function outside any callback-functions like init and update.
name |
string |
the id of the property |
value |
number, hash, url, vector3, vector4, quaternion, resource, boolean |
default value of the property. In the case of a url, only the empty constructor msg.url() is allowed. In the case of a resource one of the resource constructors (eg resource.atlas(), resource.font() etc) is expected. |
This example demonstrates how to define a property called "health" in a script. The health is decreased whenever someone sends a message called "take_damage" to the"health", 100)
function init(self)
-- prints 100 to the output
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("take_damage") then = - message.damage
print("Ouch! My health is now: " ..
sets a named property of the specified game object or component, or a material constant
url |
string, hash, url |
url of the game object or component having the property |
property |
string, hash |
id of the property to set |
value |
any, table |
the value to set |
[options] |
table |
optional options table - index integer index into array property (1 based) - key hash name of internal property |
Set a named"big_font", resource.font())
function init(self)
go.set("#gui", "fonts", self.big_font, {key = "system_font_BIG"})
Sets the parent for a game object instance. This means that the instance will exist in the geometrical space of its parent,
like a basic transformation hierarchy or scene graph. If no parent is specified, the instance will be detached from any parent and exist in world
This function will generate a set_parent
message. It is not until the message has been processed that the change actually takes effect. This
typically happens later in the same frame or the beginning of the next frame. Refer to the manual to learn how messages are processed by the
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to set parent for, defaults to the instance containing the calling script |
[parent_id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the new parent game object, defaults to detaching game object from its parent |
[keep_world_transform] |
boolean |
optional boolean, set to true to maintain the world transform when changing spaces. Defaults to false. |
Attach myself to another instance "my_parent":go.set_parent(go.get_id(),go.get_id("my_parent"))
The position is relative to the parent (if any). The global world position cannot be manually set.
position |
vector3 |
position to set |
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to set the position for, by default the instance of the calling script |
Set the position of the game object instance the script is attached to:local p = ...
local p = ...
go.set_position(p, "x")
The rotation is relative to the parent (if any). The global world rotation cannot be manually set.
rotation |
quaternion |
rotation to set |
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the rotation for, by default the instance of the calling script |
Set the rotation of the game object instance the script is attached to:local r = ...
local r = ...
go.set_rotation(r, "x")
The scale factor is relative to the parent (if any). The global world scale factor cannot be manually set. Physics are currently not affected when setting scale from this function.
scale |
number, vector3 |
vector or uniform scale factor, must be greater than 0 |
[id] |
string, hash, url |
optional id of the game object instance to get the scale for, by default the instance of the calling script |
Set the scale of the game object instance the script is attached to:local s = vmath.vector3(2.0, 1.0, 1.0)
local s = 1.2
go.set_scale(s, "x")
The function uses world transformation calculated at the end of previous frame.
position |
vector3 |
position which need to be converted |
url |
string, hash, url |
url of the game object which coordinate system convert to |
converted_postion |
vector3 | converted position |
Convert position of "test" game object into coordinate space of "child" object. local test_pos = go.get_world_position("/test")
local child_pos = go.get_world_position("/child")
local new_position = go.world_to_local_position(test_pos, "/child")
The function uses world transformation calculated at the end of previous frame.
transformation |
matrix4 |
transformation which need to be converted |
url |
string, hash, url |
url of the game object which coordinate system convert to |
converted_transform |
matrix4 | converted transformation |
Convert transformation of "test" game object into coordinate space of "child" object. local test_transform = go.get_world_transform("/test")
local child_transform = go.get_world_transform("/child")
local result_transform = go.world_to_local_transform(test_transform, "/child")
This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when a script component is initialized. It can be used to set the initial state of the script.
self |
object |
reference to the script state to be used for storing data |
function init(self)
-- set up useful data
self.my_value = 1
This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when user input is sent to the game object instance of the script.
It can be used to take action on the input, e.g. move the instance according to the input.
For an instance to obtain user input, it must first acquire input focus
through the message acquire_input_focus
Any instance that has obtained input will be put on top of an
input stack. Input is sent to all listeners on the stack until the
end of stack is reached, or a listener returns true
to signal that it wants input to be consumed.
See the documentation of acquire_input_focus for more
The action
parameter is a table containing data about the input mapped to the
For mapped actions it specifies the value of the input and if it was just pressed or released.
Actions are mapped to input in an input_binding-file.
Mouse movement is specifically handled and uses nil
as its action_id
The action
only contains positional parameters in this case, such as x and y of the pointer.
Here is a brief description of the available table fields:
Field | Description |
value |
The amount of input given by the user. This is usually 1 for buttons and 0-1 for analogue inputs. This is not present for mouse movement. |
pressed |
If the input was pressed this frame. This is not present for mouse movement. |
released |
If the input was released this frame. This is not present for mouse movement. |
repeated |
If the input was repeated this frame. This is similar to how a key on a keyboard is repeated when you hold it down. This is not present for mouse movement. |
x |
The x value of a pointer device, if present. |
y |
The y value of a pointer device, if present. |
screen_x |
The screen space x value of a pointer device, if present. |
screen_y |
The screen space y value of a pointer device, if present. |
dx |
The change in x value of a pointer device, if present. |
dy |
The change in y value of a pointer device, if present. |
screen_dx |
The change in screen space x value of a pointer device, if present. |
screen_dy |
The change in screen space y value of a pointer device, if present. |
gamepad |
The index of the gamepad device that provided the input. |
touch |
List of touch input, one element per finger, if present. See table below about touch input |
Field | Description |
id |
A number identifying the touch input during its duration. |
pressed |
True if the finger was pressed this frame. |
released |
True if the finger was released this frame. |
tap_count |
Number of taps, one for single, two for double-tap, etc |
x |
The x touch location. |
y |
The y touch location. |
dx |
The change in x value. |
dy |
The change in y value. |
acc_x |
Accelerometer x value (if present). |
acc_y |
Accelerometer y value (if present). |
acc_z |
Accelerometer z value (if present). |
self |
object |
reference to the script state to be used for storing data |
action_id |
hash |
id of the received input action, as mapped in the input_binding-file |
action |
table |
a table containing the input data, see above for a description |
consume |
boolean, nil | optional boolean to signal if the input should be consumed (not passed on to others) or not, default is false |
This example demonstrates how a game object instance can be moved as a response to user input.function init(self)
-- acquire input focus".", "acquire_input_focus")
-- maximum speed the instance can be moved
self.max_speed = 2
-- velocity of the instance, initially zero
self.velocity = vmath.vector3()
function update(self, dt)
-- move the instance
go.set_position(go.get_position() + dt * self.velocity)
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
-- check for movement input
if action_id == hash("right") then
if action.released then -- reset velocity if input was released
self.velocity = vmath.vector3()
else -- update velocity
self.velocity = vmath.vector3(action.value * self.max_speed, 0, 0)
This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine whenever a message has been sent to the script component.
It can be used to take action on the message, e.g. send a response back to the sender of the message.
The message
parameter is a table containing the message data. If the message is sent from the engine, the
documentation of the message specifies which data is supplied.
self |
object |
reference to the script state to be used for storing data |
message_id |
hash |
id of the received message |
message |
table |
a table containing the message data |
sender |
url |
address of the sender |
This example demonstrates how a game object instance, called "a", can communicate with another instance, called "b". It is assumed that both script components of the instances has id "script". Script of instance "a":function init(self)
-- let b know about some important data"b#script", "my_data", {important_value = 1})
function init(self)
-- store the url of instance "a" for later use, by specifying nil as socket we
-- automatically use our own socket
self.a_url = msg.url(nil, go.get_id("a"), "script")
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
-- check message and sender
if message_id == hash("my_data") and sender == self.a_url then
-- use the data in some way
self.important_value = message.important_value
This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when the script component is reloaded, e.g. from the editor. It can be used for live development, e.g. to tweak constants or set up the state properly for the instance.
self |
object |
reference to the script state to be used for storing data |
This example demonstrates how to tweak the speed of a game object instance that is moved on user input.function init(self)
-- acquire input focus".", "acquire_input_focus")
-- maximum speed the instance can be moved, this value is tweaked in the on_reload function below
self.max_speed = 2
-- velocity of the instance, initially zero
self.velocity = vmath.vector3()
function update(self, dt)
-- move the instance
go.set_position(go.get_position() + dt * self.velocity)
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
-- check for movement input
if action_id == hash("right") then
if action.released then -- reset velocity if input was released
self.velocity = vmath.vector3()
else -- update velocity
self.velocity = vmath.vector3(action.value * self.max_speed, 0, 0)
function on_reload(self)
-- edit this value and reload the script component
self.max_speed = 100
This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine every frame to update the state of a script component. It can be used to perform any kind of game related tasks, e.g. moving the game object instance.
self |
object |
reference to the script state to be used for storing data |
dt |
number |
the time-step of the frame update |
This example demonstrates how to move a game object instance through the script component:function init(self)
-- set initial velocity to be 1 along world x-axis
self.my_velocity = vmath.vector3(1, 0, 0)
function update(self, dt)
-- move the game object instance
go.set_position(go.get_position() + dt * self.my_velocity)
linear interpolation
loop backward
loop forward
ping pong loop
no playback
once backward
once forward
once ping pong
Post this message to a game object instance to make that instance acquire the user input focus.
User input is distributed by the engine to every instance that has
requested it. The last instance to request focus will receive it first.
This means that the scripts in the instance will have first-hand-chance
at reacting on user input, possibly consuming it (by returning
from on_input
) so that no other instances
can react on it. The most common case is for a script to send this message
to itself when it needs to respond to user input.
A script belonging to an instance which has the user input focus will
receive the input actions in its on_input
callback function.
See on_input for more information on how user input can be
This example demonstrates how to acquire and act on user input.function init(self)
-- acquire input focus as soon as the instance has been initialized".", "acquire_input_focus")
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
-- check which input we received
if action_id == hash("my_action") then
-- act on the input
self.my_action_amount = action.value
This message disables the receiving component. All components are enabled by default, which means they will receive input, updates
and be a part of the simulation. A component is disabled when it receives the disable
Components that currently supports this message are:
Disable the component "my_component""#my_component", "disable")
This message enables the receiving component. All components are enabled by default, which means they will receive input, updates
and be a part of the simulation. A component is disabled when it receives the disable
Components that currently supports this message are:
Enable the component "my_component""#my_component", "enable")
Post this message to an instance to make that instance release the user input focus. See acquire_input_focus for more information on how the user input handling works.
How to make a game object stop receiving".", "release_input_focus")
When this message is sent to an instance, it sets the parent of that instance. This means that the instance will exist in the geometrical space of its parent, like a basic transformation hierarchy or scene graph. If no parent is specified, the instance will be detached from any parent and exist in world space. A script can send this message to itself to set the parent of its instance.
parent_id |
hash |
the id of the new parent |
keep_world_transform |
number |
if the world transform of the instance should be preserved when changing spaces, 0 for false and 1 for true. The default value is 1. |
Attach myself to another instance "my_parent"".", "set_parent", {parent_id = go.get_id("my_parent")})"my_instance", "set_parent", {parent_id = go.get_id("my_parent")})"my_instance", "set_parent")
The rotation of the game object expressed in Euler angles. Euler angles are specified in degrees in the interval (-360, 360). The type of the property is vector3.
How to set a game object's rotation with euler angles, either as a vector3 or selecting a specific dimension:function init(self)
-- set "player" euler z rotation component to 45 degrees around z.
local rotz = 45
go.set("player", "euler.z", rotz)
local rot = go.get("player", "euler")
-- do something useful
assert(rot.z == rotz)
The position of the game object. The type of the property is vector3.
How to query a game object's position, either as a vector3 or selecting a specific dimension:function init(self)
-- get position from "player"
local pos = go.get("player", "position")
local posx = go.get("player", "position.x")
-- do something useful
assert(pos.x == posx)
The rotation of the game object. The type of the property is quaternion.
How to set a game object's rotation:function init(self)
-- set "player" rotation to 45 degrees around z.
local rotz = vmath.quat_rotation_z(3.141592 / 4)
go.set("player", "rotation", rotz)
The uniform scale of the game object. The type of the property is number.
How to scale a game object:function init(self)
-- Double the scaling on "player"
local scale = go.get("player", "scale")
go.set("player", "scale", scale * 2)