Whether you're looking for extensions, pathfinders, sprite sets, example projects or code snippets—you name it, we've got it!
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Your free, easy to use and flexible level editor. Tiled has a Defold tilemap exporter plugin for direct import of maps into Defold.
GUI, Input, System
Druid - powerful Defold component UI framework that empowers developers to create stunning and customizable GUIs by leveraging a wide range of embedded components or effortlessly designing their own game-specific components.
This library allows writing beautiful Haxe code for the Defold game engine \o/
Editor, Tools, Util
A toolkit for Visual Studio Code to develop, build, launch, debug, bundle and deploy your game.
Advanced screen manager with popup and transition support.
The Orthographic Camera API makes it super easy to convert screen to world coordinates, smoothly follow a game object and create a screen shake effect.
3d, Art assets, Camera, Sha...
It's a collection of assets to help you developing 3D games with the Defold game engine. Use included prefabs to quickly prototype structures, levels, and to test game mechanics. Try out ideas quickly!
Animation, Art assets, GUI,...
War Battles is a complete game art pack to make a sci-fi RTS game in the style of the 16-bit console era.
Template projects, Game mec...
Magic Link is a simple game where the goal is to connect a set of magic spheres.
Art assets, Template projects
A barebones runner game where the goal is to jump on platforms and collect as many coins as possible.
Animation, Art assets, Temp...
Alien World is a complete game art pack to make a fantastic sci-fi platform metroidvania game in the style of the 16-bit console era.
Gooey is a GUI system with buttons, checkbox, radio button, text input and list support.
Animation, Art assets, Inpu...
Game prototype. 2.5D perspective view. Levels loader, the hero controller, monsters and basic AI logic.
Game mechanic
The Ink language runtime. Narrator allows to convert Ink scripts to the book and play it as a story. Suitable for interactive fiction games, dialogues and complex narrative stories. Requires the LPeg extension.
Lua modules and scripts to simplify input related operations such as gestures detection, user configurable key bindings, input state handling and dragging/clicking game objects.
Extra native OS functions.
AI, Math
This is a path finder and A* solver (astar or a-star) native extension for Defold Engine build on MicroPather.
Animation, Editor, GUI, Too...
Panthera Software - give you the huge speed up at Defold animation flow even with more accuracy! You not required to do animations via code and run the game every change to see the changes. Make animations and export it via code right into the game!
Drawing pixels and simple geometry into texture buffer.
A module to help you save / load config and player data between session.
Social, Platform, Analytics...
Nakama is an open-source server designed to power modern games and apps. Features include user accounts, chat, social, matchmaker, realtime multiplayer, and much more. This client implements the full API and socket options with the server.
Fonts, GUI
A system to create styled text based on an HTML inspired markup language
Rendering, Sample project, ...
Pack of shaders and scene setup examples.
Rendering, Shaders
Easy to use and customizable trail effect.
GUI, Input
A quick and dirty GUI library.
ts-defold is an awesome TypeScript toolkit that allows writing TypeScript code for the Defold game engine.
This is a Dynamic AABB Tree native extension with Branch and Bound Algorithm.
System, Editor, GUI, Tools,...
Panthera Animation Software Runtime for Defold Game Engine
Network, Platform
Open-source Multiplayer Framework. Run your game servers on Node.js and connect to them via the Defold SDK.
Ads, Monetization, Platform
YaGames is the Yandex.Games SDK extension for the Defold game engine.
Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library.
Physics, Game mechanic
2D Platformer engine
Rotated Grid Super-Sampling (RGSS) for the Defold engine.
Editor, Editor script, Phys...
TrenchBroom game configuration and the editor script for importing. Design your level with TrenchBroom and import it to Defold as the collection.
Camera, Rendering
Defold Rendy provides a versatile camera suite and render pipeline in a Defold game engine project.
System, Tools
Defold developer console. The console allows you to interact with a running game (locally or on device) through a browser.
Easily and safely manage posting messages in Defold.
Animation, Tools, Lua
Rive is a real-time interactive design and animation tool by Rive Inc. Use Rive to create vector based motion graphics for use in Defold.
Game mechanic, Input, Physics
Kinematic character controller for 3D games. Tweakable, smooth and functional.
Cross-Context Defold Event System
A symbol-by-symbol text writer for rich game dialogs.
Ads, Tools, Util
A ready-to-use tool to develop and build playable ads with Defold.
GUI, Game mechanic, Templat...
MatchaNovel is an open source multiplatform engine for narrative works, like visual novels and adventure games.
Game mechanic, Physics
Defold Grid Engine provides grid-based movement, interactions, and utility features in a Defold game engine project.
Run unit tests using the Telescope unit testing framework.
Camera, Input, Animation
Camera movement controller for 3D games. Tweakable, smooth and cinematic.
A Lo-Fi Horror shader.
Monetization, Ads, Platform
Monetize your mobile app with innovative and engaging in-app ads.
Ready-to-use forward shading lighting for 3D games. Just set the provided material to your mesh and place light sources on the scene.
AI, Game mechanic
Map utility/module for tilemaps
System, Util, Math, Animation
Timer Based Defold Tween Library
This module helps you to create groups (army) of game objects (soldiers) and organize them in several different patterns or your customized pattern and manage moving and rotating game objects as a customizable group.
Analytics, Social, Platform
PlayFab is a complete backend platform for live games.
Ads, Monetization
Show UnityAds.
Defold api headers for emmylua plugin
A match three engine.
Ads, Monetization, Social, ...
Instant Games let people play games on any device, mobile or desktop, right in the Facebook News Feed. There is no download time, the games are highly social, and it’s easy to invite friends.
Util, Tools
Deployer - Universal build && deploy script for Defold projects.
Box2D Lua bindings for Defold Game Engine.
A native WebSocket implementation for Defold. The implementation provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection.
Take full or partial screenshots as PNG, buffer or raw pixels.
This module contains functions to create a world map as a shape of a graph and the ability to manipulate it at any time, easily see debug drawing of this graph and move game objects inside of this graph with utilizing auto pathfinder.
A small kit of scripts and shaders for card games made with Defold.
Defold Tilemap Animator provides runtime tile animations in a Defold game engine project.
Template projects
Template project for creation of low-res pixel art games
Game mechanic, Math, Util
A module of probability functions designed specifically for games.
System, Platform, Social, A...
Steamworks SDK provides a range of features which are designed to help ship your application or game on Steam in an efficient manner.
Use Defold's Live Update to improve the loading speed of the HTML5 games.
Defold transpilation support for Teal.
Game mechanic, Template pro...
DefArc is an Arcweave runtime for Defold, a toolset to easily create branching, interactive narratives in your games!
System, Util, Tools
Defold Save File Manager
PCG Random Number Generator Native Extension.
Starly is an orthographic camera library for Defold.
Context logger with performance metrics for Defold
Debeat, a simple but effective library for audio support.
A powerful screen manager.
FMOD sound engine bindings. FMOD is a proprietary sound effects engine and authoring tool for video games and applications, that play and mix sounds of diverse formats on many operating systems.
Interact with the profiler using Lua
Defold Typewriter provides text scrolling and styling in a Defold game engine project.
Ads, Platform, Social, System
Poki SDK native extension for Defold game engine
Physics, Tools
Create and edit convex polygon collision shapes.
Safe Area helps you place your UI within the visible portion of the overall interface to avoid UI being obscured by the notch or interfere with the home status indicator or status bar.
Social, Platform, Achievements
Google Play games services provide a seamless zero-click sign-in system for players and a range of other ready-to-use features. This extension supports Achievements, Authentication, Cloud save, Events and Leaderboards
Dissolve effect for sprites.
GUI, Template projects
Easily and conveniently create different, interactive, intriguing, branched, non-linear conversations using json data.
Use Neovim with Defold to write code with autocomplete and to build and run your project.
GUI, System
A localization module. Easily support multiple translations of your game.
Share application data using native sharing dialogs.
Lua, Security
Lua obfuscation using Prometheus.
System, Util, GUI
Defold Localization Helper
This extension allow you encode lua table to JSON and decode JSON to lua table in native part
Provides 3D audio, pitch control and more.
Defold provides a unified, simple to use interface to Apple’s iOS Appstore 'in-app purchases' and Google Play’s or Amazon’s 'in-app billing' on Android devices. Facebook Canvas 'game payments' are supported for Facebook Canvas.
Adds support for the TexturePacker atlas format.
System, Platform
Push notifications are available on iOS and Android (Google using Firebase Cloud Messaging) devices as a native extension and allow your game to inform the player about changes and updates.
A Lua implementation of Google Analytics using the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol.
GUI, Tools
Take a GUI design and layout from Photoshop and turn it into a GUI scene (.gui) in Defold.
Loads JPG, PNG and other images efficiently into Buffer object.
A set of math functions.
A Component based scripts library for Defold engine inspired by the Game Maker studio visual scripting.
Blend solid colors with your sprites using various blending modes.
Google Analytics for Firebase provides free, unlimited reporting on distinct events. The SDK automatically captures certain key events and user properties, and you can define your own custom events to measure the things that uniquely matter to your game.
Decode and encode PNG images.
The Ink language runtime implementation, an alternative to Narrator, based on parsing ink JSON files.
Procedurally generate and play sound effects.
Ads, Monetization, Platform...
Ads Wrapper is a wrapper for advertising services. It allows you to use one interface for different services and show ads from different sources. Supports various services such as Admob, Unity Ads, Poki, Yandex, Vk Bridge, Applovin Max
AdMob extension.
Get the same random numbers from the same seeds on all platforms supported by Defold.
Lua language server for integration with the Defold editor. Adds syntax checking, workspace diagnostics and more.
Art assets, Rendering, Util
Defold Colors provides customizable palettes and color utility features in a Defold game engine project.
Animation, GUI, Input
A UI/UX library providing fundamental components to build a rich graphical user interface in no time.
Device control, System
Adds support for device vibration service.
Mouse locking, cursor UI and mouselook for first-person 3D games made with Defold.
Math, Physics, Game mechanic
Collision system that doesn’t use collision shapes.
Social, Achievements, Platform
Apple GameKit Game Center extension.
System, Util
Defold Persist provides a simple interface for saving and loading data in a Defold game engine project.
AppLovin MAX Defold Plugin for Android and iOS.
GUI, Rendering
A Defold native extension exposing Facebook's Yoga layout library via a Lua wrapper.
A quick and easy way to find out the memory usage of your Defold game on HTML5 platform.
GUI, Game mechanic
Defold Timer provides a visual timer widget in a Defold game engine project.
Game mechanic, Math
Ray Casting in tiled worlds using DDA algorithm. It is very effective solution for tile based worlds like platformers or any top-down games.
Clipboard access to enable copy / paste operations.
Reliable server based time.
Sample project, Art assets,...
Perspective parallax sample project.
GameAnalytics SDK
System, Social, Platform
Rich Presence for games on Discord.
3d, AI, Math
Defold native extension for recast navigation.
Simpe cross-platform (OSX, Windows, Linux) native open and save dialogs.
Library for creating behavioral trees that allow you to easily manage advanced NPC behaviors in your game. It is functional and event-driven, which means you can easily save and load any node in any moment.
Sample project
Defold example with up to 32765 entities support with simple physics
The asset helps to use Yandex.Metrica to track the stats of your HTML5 game.
Tutorials, Game mechanic
This tutorial is a humble attempt to deconstruct the Side Scroller Tutorial.
Unofficial Sentry.io SDK for Defold to monitor and track Lua code errors.
Use native iOS and Android ratings and reviews window.
This extension allow you work with google protobuf protocol (files .proto), encode and decode them.
NavGO is an easy to use path finding tool meant for use when tile map based path finding is just not possible or is to complicated for the project at hand.
Defold native extension which provides access to IronSource mediation on Android and iOS.
Fire Glow shader effect for Defold.
Enable defining colors in a more traditional hex format. Has presets of all the named web colors. Allows to create your own named colors.
A collection of lowfi retro like sound effects.
Art assets, Lua, Tools, Util
Aseprite extension for Defold Artist and Devs. Converts Aseprite file format .ase or .aseprite into .tilesource files for Defold usage.
Animation, ParticleFX
A single file pure Lua particle system for Defold.
This template contains assets to build text adventure game with Defold and Ink.
Native extension for the iOS Taptic Engine.
Resource Encryption plugin which can be used as the starting point for your own encryption of game archives.
The complete code and assets for the official Platformer tutorial.
Fonts, GUI, System, Rendering
Native Text Rendering extension for Defold.
Chiptune player native extension.
Network, Lua
The missing LuaSocket .lua files, modified to play nicely with Defold.
Social, Platform
Track installs and app opens, give people the ability to share content, or support the ability to Login with Facebook.
Provides path to various system directories.
Simple outline shader for 3D models using STENCIL and INVERTED HULL techniques.
A little helper library for quest games.
2D voronoi functionality.
This project template is based on Ink scripting language and lua runtime defold-ink. Suitable for any VN style games.
LuaFileSystem offers a portable way to access the underlying directory structure and file attributes.
Monetization, Ads
GameDistribution is the biggest broker of high quality, cross-platform games. The GameDistribution network serves over 300M users a month with top HTML5 content. With over 2,000 web publishers on the platform, GameDistribution connects the best game developers to the biggest web publishers.
Editor script
Editor script to add images to an atlas as well as create a new one from selected images.
This render script draws a low-resolution view of the world to a game object, in either 2D or 3D. It handles resizing the window by maintaining an internal vertical resolution. This technique is also known as downsampling.
DefUniCo is a coroutine library
A whole bunch of useful table manipulation functions
Editor, Tools
Defold API for Sublime Text 3
Rendering, Util
Runtime creation of an atlas from a set of images.
A generic leveling up system.
Simple http server and client native extension
Simple Sparkle Effect is Material for creating a sparkle or glare effect on the sprite. You can adjust parameters such as size, angle, and position in the material constants, as well as animate them via go.animate.
System, Lua
Library to expose access for getting and setting the current script instance.
General purpose logging.
How to create a simple Neural Network with genetical renforcement
Template projects, Tools, Util
Defold Polyglot is a simple Polyglot to Defold Tool for game localisations. Polyglot is one of many community-driven open-source localisation projects available online.
Nuklear is a minimal-state, immediate-mode graphical user interface toolkit.
Native extension for decoding ogg files in wav.
A fullscreen videoplayer extension for iOS and Android using native OS functionality and components for videoplayback.
Compress, decompress, and obfuscate table data.
LPeg is a pattern-matching library by Roberto Ierusalimschy based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs).
Read gyroscope data
Achievements, Ads, Analytic...
GamePush (previously GameScore) is the GamePush SDK implementation for the Defold game engine.
Fonts, Shaders
This is a set of shaders and materials for distance field fonts.
Input, System
Portable File Dialogs for Defold
Defold Protobuf Library to encode, decode and verifying messages
Parse Defold files to JSON and back
Capture images and show a live camera preview using the native camera APIs.
Fonts, GUI, System
Get the user's preferred font scaling factor.
Facebook Audience Network Android Android extension
Simpe cross-platform (OSX + Windows) native context and app menu library.
Physics, Rendering, Shaders
Create 2D fluid simulations based on metaballs.
CrazyGames SDK native extension for Defold game engine
3d, Mesh component, Blender
Blender Addon - game asset exporter for defold mesh components.
Blur shader.
This extension tries to solve the problem of the 100MB APK size limit on Google Play by using APK Expansion files (OBBs) and LiveUpdate
PCG Random Number Generator Extension for Defold wraps PCG, A Family of Better Random Number Generators. C implementation v0.98.
Achievements, Platform
Extension that implements achievements using GOG Galaxy SDK.
This extension allows for extending an existing Defold font with more glyphs at runtime.
Setup, track, and check real world time countdowns based on OS or server time
Defold native extension which provides access to In-app purchase functionality on Cafebazaar Android app store.
Device control, System, Tools
Allows the developer to get Battery Percentage & Charging Status on Android.
This Extension allows check APK install source (Google play or not) and get APK bundle id to compare with project bundle id (case, when APK is hacked)
A quick and easy library that adds support for WebRTC
SFMT Random Number Generator Extension for Defold wraps SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) random number generator v1.5.1.
System, Math
This Extension allows you calculate MD5 in native from string
A module for creating hot-reloadable modules in Defold.
Native extension with a partial implementation of the IronSource SDK
Firebase Remote Config is a cloud service that lets you change the behavior and appearance of your app without requiring users to download an app update. When using Remote Config, you create in-app default values that control the behavior and appearance of your app. Then, you can later use the Firebase console or the Remote Config backend APIs to override in-app default values for all app users or for segments of your user base. Your app controls when updates are applied, and it can frequently check for updates and apply them with a negligible impact on performance.
Adds a menu items under Edit to align GUI nodes. Currently only supports root items due to Defold limitations.
Easy way to make animations play in sequence.
Editor script, System
This extension automatically creates an index of all your custom resources before building a game using an editor script, and provides a module for easy access to that index.
Web Monetization is a JavaScript browser API which allows the creation of a payment stream from the user agent to the website. This extension allows game developers to detect if a player has an active payment stream or not and offer additional content or perks to paying players.
A generic energy / life system.
Returns an operating system uptime
Lua, System
The Tiny ECS library packaged as a Defold library.
Security, System, Tools, Util
Squid is a standalone injectable system for saveable logging of user logs, errors and crashes for Defold
Camera, Input
Encode and decode QR codes
Lua, Security, System, Util
Makes any Lua table runtime immutable (read-only).
Defold provides a unified, simple to use interface to get application invocation information such as deep links and install referrer.
With Google Play Instant, people can use your game without installing it first.
Create files from your own defined templates.
A module with a set of extra string functions.
This is Native Extension that adds support for Android Runtime Permissions
Toon shader for 3D models.
Cairo extension for Defold for developing UI widgets. Many widgets included already.
A pretty basic HSV and RGB colorpicker that outputs the 0-1 vector4s that Defold uses for colors.
This Defold extension allows you to integrate Google's User Messaging Platform (UMP) into your Defold game to manage user consent for ads on Android. It helps you request consent information, show the consent form, and check the user's consent status
Sign in with Apple makes it easy for users to sign in to your apps and websites using their Apple ID.
Math, Rendering
Image processing via convolution between a kernel and the image.
GUI, Util
i18n for Defold
Error logging helper.
This script adds a menu items in the outline to create new resources depending on your selection.
Editor script that adds clean up functionallity.
Lua, System, GUI, Util
This library aims to help you change the way you write code on Defold.
Defold native extension which provides access to AWS Cognito. Useful for user signup/login.
DefBuild enables you to easily build, install, uninstall and more for both Android and iOS (if you are using macOS) with a simple unified CL interface. You can easily switch which Defold version you are building on to easily test a new versions.
Coolmath Games SDK native extension for Defold.
Hierarchical State Machine.
Achievement and stat tracking for use with DefSave and DefSteam
Adds a menu items under Edit to evenly distribute GUI nodes. Currently only supports root items due to Defold limitations.
Extra functionality for the Window API.
Input, Tools, Util
A Lua module to get text input on mobile browsers for Defold projects.
Monetization, Sample projec...
A sample project showing how to enable in-app purchases using cryptocurrencies.
Util, Lua
This is a small module that aims to make it easier to write code in a Lua-5.3-style. This does not make Lua 5.2 (or even Lua 5.1) entirely compatible with Lua 5.3, but it brings the API closer to that of Lua 5.3.
Android Dynamic Performance Framework (ADPF) is a set of APIs that allow games and to interact more directly with power and thermal systems of Android devices. It is possible to monitor the dynamic behavior on Android systems and optimize game performance at a sustainable level that doesn’t overheat devices.
Defold extension for Adjust SDK.
Ads, Analytics, Monetizatio...
Wortal SDK native extension for Defold.
Animation, Art assets
Fun and Free Halloween themed art asset pack.
rand16 is a 16bit pseudorandom number generator.
Lua, Network, Platform, System
Planetary Processing is a low-cost, easy to use multiplayer game engine that integrates with Defold to make building any type of multiplayer game easy, from MMO to team shooters to party games!
Editor script to open the finder/explorer at different important locations.
Checks your dependencies against github releases to see if there are any updates.
Vungle interstitial and rewarded video ads support for Android & Amazon.
Defold Ext for work with lua Object Oriented Programming!
Dash is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager with support for Defold.
Ad mediation. Supports many ad networks.
bit46 is a module for 46bit bitwise operations.
Ads, System
Retrieve an advertising identifier for a device or user. Advertisers use this to id so they can deliver customized advertising. The id is used for tracking and identifying a user (without revealing personal information). On iOS this extension also supports the App Tracking Transparency framework.
Physics, System
Efficiently find collisions between rects and circles
Native extension for the Tenjin SDK
Localize your game/app on Defold using this autotranslator with convenient localization json files that supports entries.
Defold NE for UserCentrics CMP
3d, Art assets, Blender, Me...
This project contains 3D meshes in their simplest shapes and prototype textures in basic colors that will help you model your next 3D video game.
Create your complete tileset instantly. Draw maps with it and export it all directly to Defold.
These tutorials illustrate several common features of the Defold Game Engine, such as a) Image Procedures, b) Dragging and Dropping Game Objects, c) various Game Object Movement Techniques, d) Preliminary use of 2d Physics based Collisions, e) Graphic User Interface, and f) an introduction to Defold Levels, Messaging and Menu Development.
Art assets, Editor, Tools, ...
A free, SUPER easy-to-use tilemap editor that exports maps to Defold Tilemap and Tilesource in one click.
RuStore Defold plugin for ratings and reviews
RuStore Defold plugin for working with the application configuration cloud service.
Defold native extension for RuStore push notifications.
Monetization, System, Util
RuStore Defold plugin for accepting payments through third-party applications.
RuStore Defold plugin for updating the application.
With QuickButton, you can simply send a single line message to have a button created
Art assets, Audio, Fonts
Over 30,000 game assets, all free to use in any project!