Credits: This tutorial is contributed by forum user MasterMind (original forum post).
Scrolling textures via shader is a staple in many shader effects. Let’s make one! Use the example project to follow along and try it out yourself. The method that will be used is UV offsetting using a constant in the shader.
There is also a demo of the example project on for those that would like to see the result of this short tutorial/guide:
The project is setup like this:
and water_wave.png
) created to seamlessly tile are assigned in the .model properties.Note: water_bg
is assigned to tex0
slot and water_wave
is set to tex1
slot. Two sampler slots are assigned in material sampler properties shown below.
Currently tex1
will be the texture that will be scrolling so Wrap U & V are set to Repeat.
That is the basic setup and now we can move on to the water_scroll.vp
(vertex) and water_scroll.fp
(fragment) programs. You can see in the image above these are set to the material.
It’s good practice to avoid doing to much calculations in the fragment program if you can avoid it so we calculate the UV offset in the vertex program before the coordinates are sent to the fragment program. We also create a constant “animation_time” with type user to the vertex constant properties set in the material (as seen above). The constant is a vector 4 but we only use the first value. If we denote this vector 4 as vector4(x,y,z,w)
we will only use x value in the shader as shown below.
// water_scroll.vp
// UV / Texture Scroll
attribute highp vec4 position;
attribute mediump vec2 texcoord0;
uniform mediump mat4 mtx_worldview;
uniform mediump mat4 mtx_proj;
uniform mediump vec4 animation_time; // vertex constant set up in material as type user.
varying mediump vec2 var_texcoord0; // setup var texcoord 0
varying mediump vec2 var_texcoord1; // setup var texcoord 1
void main()
vec4 p = mtx_worldview * vec4(, 1.0);
var_texcoord0 = texcoord0;
var_texcoord1 = vec2(texcoord0.x - animation_time.x, texcoord0.y); // Calculate var texcoord 1 uv offset on U(x) axis to fragment program
gl_Position = mtx_proj * p;
The model supplies the attribute texcoord0
which is our texture UV coordinates. We declare our vec4
uniform named animation_time and we also have two vec2
varying var_texcoord0
and var_texcoord1
which we pass to the fragment program after we assign them the attribute UV coordinates texcoord0
in void main()
. As you can see var_texcoord1
is different because this one we are offsetting before it is sent to the fragment program. Assign a vec2
so that we can animation_time
to the x and y separately if we want. In this case we only take texcoord0.x
and subtract our constant animation_time.x
which when animated will offset in the negative U axis (horizontal left), we set texcoord0.y
to keep its attribute position.
// water_scroll.fp
varying mediump vec2 var_texcoord0; // var texcoord 0 used with water_bg sampler
varying mediump vec2 var_texcoord1; // var texcoord 1 used with water_waves sampler, UV animation calulation done in vertex program
uniform lowp sampler2D tex0; // Material sampler slot 0 = water background / set in plane.model
uniform lowp sampler2D tex1; // Material sampler slot 1 = water waves / set in plane.model
void main()
vec4 water_bg = texture2D(tex0, var_texcoord0.xy);
vec4 water_waves = texture2D(tex1, var_texcoord1.xy);
gl_FragColor = vec4(water_bg.rgb + water_waves.rgb ,1.0); // add texture waves to bg using addition(+), alpha set to 1.0 as there is no transparency being used0
Now to the fragment program, we have a simple setup. Two “in” varying vec2
’s that we sent from the vertex program var_textcoord0
and var_texcoord1
and then we supply uniforms for the sampler textures we set in our model and material they are named tex0
and tex1
. Then in void main()
we create vector 4’s to assign to our textures using texture2d()
, the images are in RGBA (red,green,blue,alpha) channel format. We assign sampler name and then the texture coordinates we want them to use. As you see in the image above “water_waves” has var_texcoord1
assigned. this is the texture we are animating/scrolling and var_texcoord0
assigned to water_bg
we left as is. For the global reserved variable gl_FragColor
this is where pixel colors are assigned with the same vec4(r,g,b,a)
format. We want to combine the 2 textures together so we use addition to mix the rgb channels of each texture together, also we are not using the textures alpha channel so we assign a float value of 1.0 which equals full opacity.
-- animate_shader.script
local animate = 1.0
-- local float will be used to set animation_time constant in scroll material , only x constant value is used in the shader
-- so there is no need to create a vector 4
function init(self)
go.animate("/scroll#plane", "animation_time.x", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_FORWARD, animate, go.EASING_LINEAR, 4.0)
There are more than one ways of animating constant values, you can calculate delta time steps and update the constant with these values in the render script or a normal script if you wanted to. In this case we are only animating one shader and if you wanted a time step in several shaders calculating in an update()
might be more ideal. However we will use go.animate()
because we have a lot of functionality at our disposal. Using go.animate()
we can animate just the x value of our constant using “animation_time.x”. We also have duration, delay and easing to play with if we so choose. We can also set playback to loop or play once and cancel the animation if we needed to. These all come in very handy when animating our shaders.
The local animate
float 1.0 is our target value we are animating in “animation_time.x”. In shaders for the most part we deal with normalized float values 0.0 to 1.0. Notice the default constant values in the material for our animation_time
is (0,0,0,0) we are animating the first zero from 0.0 to 1.0. This means our offset UV coordinates will animate to the edge and then loop again over and over which is exactly what we want!
As an exercise you can try to animate the water_bg
texture coordinates in the opposite direction like in the example demo!
Hope this helps. If you do make something scroll please share!
/ MasterMind
Did you spot an error or do you have a suggestion? Please let us know on GitHub!