Spine is a third party animation tool by Esoteric Software. Spine animation provides 2D skeletal animation support (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeletal_animation). This is a fundamentally different technique from flipbook animations that is closer to cutout animation. In cutout animation separate pieces of the animated object (e.g body parts, eyes, mouth etc) are moved individually between each frame. Spine animation let you build an invisible, virtual skeleton consisting of a hierarchy of interconnected bones. This skeleton, or rig, is then animated and individual images are attached to the bones. Defold supports animations created or exported in the Spine JSON format. Skeletal animation is very smooth since the engine can interpolate the location of each bone for each frame. It is particularly useful to animate characters and animals, but works very well for other types of objects, like ropes, vehicles or foliage.
To use this library in your Defold project, add the needed version URL to your game.project dependencies from Releases:
Spine animations used to be part of the main Defold engine. Starting with Defold version 1.2.193 Spine animations have been moved from the engine into a Defold extension. To upgrade to the new version you need to make a few changes to your project.
The new runtime is based on Spine 4.1.xx
NOTE: The old spine version json files won’t work as they are too old!
Update the .spinescene
files in the project replacing the .json
reference to the corresponding .spinejson
Either manually update your .spinescene
files in the editor
Use search-and-replace in a text editor
Use this python3 script to update do the search and replace for you. The script only replaces
the suffix from .json
to .spinejson
<project root>: python3 ./defold-spine/misc/migrate.py
TIP: It’s easiest if the new files has the same name and casing as the old files!
Update any materials if you’ve made your custom spine materials
The materials + shaders now live in the extension-spine
The material now uses the world_view_proj
matrix for transforming the vertices
spine.set_skin(url, name)
now takes one argument, the name of the skin
spine.set_attachment(url, slot, attachment)
allows you to set an attachment to a slotspine.play_anim()
etc are now synchronous.
If a callback is set to spine.play_anim()
it will now receive all spine events (e.g. foot steps etc)
local function spine_callback(self, node, event, data)
pprint("SPINE CALLBACK", node, event, data)
The Spine JSON data format that Defold supports can be created by Esoteric Software’s Spine software.
Spine is available from Esoteric Software.
When you have a model and animations that you have created in Spine, the process of importing them into Defold is straightforward:
.When you have the animation data and image files imported and set up in Defold, you need to create a Spine scene resource file:
).The game.project file has a few project settings related to spine models.
Select a game object to hold the new component:
Either create the component in-place (right click the game object and select Add Component ▸ Spine Model)
Or create it on file first (right click a location in the Assets browser, then select New... ▸ Spine Model from the context menu), then add the file to the game object by right clicking the game object and selecting Add Component File).
Apart from the properties Id, Position and Rotation the following component specific properties exist:
, change this property.You should now be able to view your Spine model in the editor:
The Blend Mode property defines how the component graphics should be blended with the graphics behind it. These are the available blend modes and how they are calculated:
src.a * src.rgb + (1 - src.a) * dst.rgb
src.rgb + dst.rgb
src.rgb * dst.rgb
src.rgb - dst.rgb * dst.rgb
You can manipulate spine models in runtime through a number of different functions and properties (refer to the API docs for usage).
A spine model also has a number of different properties that can be manipulated using go.get()
and go.set()
) (READ ONLY). You change animation using spine.play_anim()
(see Playing Animations).cursor
). You can change this using a material resource property and go.set()
. Refer to the API reference for an example.playback_rate
).The default spine material has the following constants that can be changed using go.set() or go.animate() (refer to the Material manual for more details). Examples:
go.set("#spine", "tint", vmath.vector4(1,0,0,1))
go.animate("#spine", "tint", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, vmath.vector4(1,0,0,1), go.EASING_LINEAR, 2)
). The vector4 is used to represent the tint with x, y, z, and w corresponding to the red, green, blue and alpha tint.The individual bones in the Spine skeleton are represented internally as game objects. In the Outline view of the Spine model component, the full hierarchy is visible. You can see each bone’s name and its place in the skeleton hierarchy.
With the bone name at hand, you are able to retrieve the instance id of the bone in runtime. The function spine.get_go()
returns the id of the specified bone and you can, for instance, child other game objects under the animated game object:
-- Attach pistol game object to the hand of the heroine
local hand = spine.get_go("heroine#spinemodel", "front_hand")
msg.post("pistol", "set_parent", { parent_id = hand })
To run animations on your model, simply call the spine.play_anim()
local function anim_done(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("spine_animation_done") then
-- the animation is done, do something useful...
function init(self)
-- Play the "walk" animation on component "spinemodel" and blend against previous
-- animation for the first 0.1 seconds, then call callback.
local anim_props = { blend_duration = 0.1 }
spine.play_anim("#spinemodel", "run", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_FORWARD, anim_props, anim_done)
The callback function will be called when the animation has played to the end. The function is never called for looping animations, nor when an animation is manually canceled via spine.cancel()
. The callback can be used to trigger events on animation completion or to chain multiple animations together.
In addition to using the spine.play_anim()
to advance a spine animation, Spine Model components expose a “cursor” property that can be manipulated with go.animate()
(more about property animations):
-- Set the animation on the spine model but don't run it.
spine.play_anim("#spinemodel", "run_right", go.PLAYBACK_NONE, anim_props, cb)
-- Set the cursor to position 0
go.set("#spinemodel", "cursor", 0)
-- Tween the cursor slowly between 0 and 1 pingpong with in-out quad easing.
go.animate("#spinemodel", "cursor", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, 1, go.EASING_INOUTQUAD, 6)
When tweening or setting the cursor, timeline events may not fire as expected.
Spine animations can trigger timed events at precise moments. They are very useful for events that should take place in sync with your animation, like playing footstep sounds, spawning particle effects, attaching or detaching objects to the bone hierarchy or anything else you would like to happen.
Events are added in the Spine software and are visualized on the playback timeline:
Each event is referenced with a name identifier (“bump” in the example above) and each event instance on the timeline can contain additional information:
When the animation plays and events are encountered, spine_event
callbacks are sent back to the callback function provided with spine.play_anim()
. The message data contains the custom numbers and strings embedded in the event, as well as a few additional fields that are sometimes useful:
local function anim_done(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("spine_animation_done") then
if message.animation_id == hash("jump") then
-- open animation done, chain with "run"
local properties = { blend_duration = 0.2 }
spine.play_anim(sender, "run", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_FORWARD, properties, anim_done)
elseif message_id == hash("spine_event") then
pprint("spine event", message)
function init(self)
local url = msg.url("#spinemodel")
local play_properties = { blend_duration = 0.1 }
-- first blend during 0.1 sec into the jump, then during 0.2 s into the run animation
spine.play_anim(url, "open", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, play_properties, anim_done)
Animations can be played either once or in a loop. How the animation plays is determined by the playback mode:
The pingpong modes run the animation first forward, then backward.
First you have to import the animation data and set up a Spine Scene resource (see above).
Second, the contents of your Spine Scene resource must be available in your GUI scene. Add it by right-clicking the Spine Scenes section of the scene in the Outline and select Add ▸ Spine Scenes.... Choose the Spine Scenes (one or more) you wish to use in the scene.
Third, create a Spine node by right clicking the Nodes section of the Outline and selecting Add ▸ Spine).
The new node is automatically selected. Make sure to set its properties:
Spine nodes can be controlled in runtime through script. To start an animation on a node, simply call the gui.play_spine_anim()
local catnode = gui.get_node("cat_note")
local play_properties = { blend_time = 0.3, offset = 0, playback_rate = 1 }
gui.play_spine_anim(catnode, hash("run"), gui.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, play_properties, function(self, node)
print("Animation done!")
Use one of the following playback modes to control animation playback:
The individual bones in the Spine skeleton can be accessed as GUI nodes. The nodes are named according to their names in the Spine setup.
For instance, to attach another node to an existing bone node, fetch the bone node by name with gui.get_spine_bone()
and attach the child to it:
-- Attach a text node to the tail of the cat
local cat = gui.get_node("cat_node")
local textnode = gui.new_text_node(vmath.vector3(400, 0, 0), "Hello tail!")
local tail = gui.get_spine_bone(cat, "tail")
gui.set_parent(textnode, tail)
Bones are also accessible through gui.get_node()
, by the bone name prefixed by the name of the name of the Spine node and a slash (/
-- Attach a text node to the tail of the cat
local textnode = gui.new_text_node(vmath.vector3(400, 0, 0), "Hello tail!")
local tail = gui.get_node("cat_node/tail")
gui.set_parent(textnode, tail)
The animation data references the images used for the bones by name with the file suffix stripped off. You add images to your Spine project in the Spine software and they are listed in the hierarchy under Images:
This example shows files laid out in a flat structure. It is, however, possible to organize the files in subfolders and the file references will reflect that. For instance, a file head_parts/eyes.png on disk will be referenced as head_parts/eyes when you use it in a slot. This is also the name used in the exported JSON file so when creating the Defold image atlas, all names must match an atlas animation.
If you select Add Images Defold will automatically create animation groups with the same name as the added files, but with the file suffix stripped off. So, after having added the file eyes.png its animation group can be referenced by the name “eyes”. This works with file names only, not paths.
So what do you do if your animation references “head_parts/eyes”? The easiest way to accomplish a match is to add an animation group (right click the root node in the Atlas Outline view and select Add Animation Group). You can then name that group “head_parts/eyes” (it’s just a name, not a path and /
characters are legal) and then add the file “eyes.png” to the group.
Did you spot an error or do you have a suggestion? Please let us know on GitHub!