Script properties

Script properties provide a simple and powerful way of defining and exposing custom properties for a specific game object instance. Script properties can be edited on specific instances directly in the editor and their settings can be used in code to alter the behavior of a game object. There are many cases where script properties are very useful:

  • When you want to override values for specific instances in the editor, and thereby increase script re-usability.
  • When you want to spawn a game object with initial values.
  • When you want to animate the values of a property.
  • When you want to access state data in one script from another. (Note that if you access properties frequently between objects, it may be better to move the data to a shared storage.)

Common use cases are to set the health or speed of a specific enemy AI, the tint color of a pickup object, the atlas of a sprite, or what message a button object should send when pressed—and/or where to send it.

Defining a script property

Script properties are added to a script component by defining them with the special function. The function has to be used at the top level—outside any lifecycle functions like init() and update(). The default value provided for the property governs the type of the property: number, boolean, hash, msg.url, vmath.vector3, vmath.vector4, vmath.quaternion and resource (see below).

Note that the reversal of the hash value works only in the Debug build to facilitate debugging. In the Release build, the reversed string value does not exist, so using tostring() on a hash value to extract the string from it is meaningless.

-- can.script
-- Define script properties for health and an attack target"health", 100)"target", msg.url())

function init(self)
  -- store initial position of target.
  -- is an url referencing another objects.
  self.target_pos = go.get_position(

function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
  if message_id == hash("take_damage") then
    -- decrease the health property = - message.damage
    if <= 0 then

Any script component instance created from this script can then set the property values.

Component with properties

Select the script component in the Outline view in the editor and the properties appear in the Properties view allowing you to edit them:


Any property that is overridden with a new instance specific value is marked blue. Click the reset button by the property name to revert the value to the default (as set in the script).

Script properties are parsed when building the project. Value expressions are not evaluated. This means that something like"hp", 3+6) will not work while"hp", 9) will.

Accessing script properties

Any defined script property is available as a stored member in self, the script instance reference:

-- my_script.script"my_property", 1)

function update(self, dt)
  -- Read and write the property
  if self.my_property == 1 then
      self.my_property = 3

User-defined script properties can also be accessed through the getting, setting and animation functions, the same way as any other property:

-- another.script

-- increase "my_property" in "myobject#script" by 1
local val = go.get("myobject#my_script", "my_property")
go.set("myobject#my_script", "my_property", val + 1)

-- animate "my_property" in "myobject#my_script"
go.animate("myobject#my_script", "my_property", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, 100, go.EASING_LINEAR, 2.0)

Factory created objects

If you use a factory to create the game object, it is possible to set script properties at creation time:

local props = { health = 50, target = msg.url("player") }
local id = factory.create("#can_factory", nil, nil, props)

-- Accessing to factory created script properties
local url = msg.url(nil, id, "can")
local can_health = go.get(url, "health")

When spawning a hierarchy of game objects through collectionfactory.create() you need to pair object id’s with property tables. These are put together in a table and passed to the create() function:

local props = {}
props[hash("/can1")] = { health = 150 }
props[hash("/can2")] = { health = 250, target = msg.url("player") }
props[hash("/can3")] = { health = 200 }

local ids = collectionfactory.create("#cangang_factory", nil, nil, props)

The property values provided via factory.create() and collectionfactory.create() will override any value set in the prototype file as well as the default values in the script.

If several script components attached to a game object defines the same property, each component will get initialized with the value provided to factory.create() or collectionfactory.create().

Resource properties

Resource properties are defined just like the script properties for the basic data types:"my_atlas", resource.atlas("/atlas.atlas"))"my_font", resource.font("/font.font"))"my_material", resource.material("/material.material"))"my_texture", resource.texture("/texture.png"))"my_tile_source", resource.tile_source("/tilesource.tilesource"))

When a resource property is defined it shows up in the Properties view as any other script property, but as a file/resource browser field:

Resource Properties

You access and use the resource properties using go.get() or via the self script instance reference and using go.set():

function init(self)
  go.set("#sprite", "image", self.my_atlas)
  go.set("#label", "font", self.my_font)
  go.set("#sprite", "material", self.my_material)
  go.set("#model", "texture0", self.my_texture)
  go.set("#tilemap", "tile_source", self.my_tile_source)