If you need custom interaction with external software or hardware on a low level where Lua won’t suffice, the Defold SDK allows you to write extensions to the engine in C, C++, Objective C, Java or Javascript, depending on target platform. Typical use cases for native extensions are:
Defold provides a zero setup entry point to native extensions with a cloud based build solution. Any native extension that is developed and added to a game project, either directly or through a Library Project, becomes part of the ordinary project content. There is no need to build special versions of the engine and distribute them to team members, that is handled automatically—any team member that builds and runs the project will get a project specific engine executable with all native extensions baked in.
Defold provides the cloud build server free of charge, without any usage restrictions. The server is hosted in Europe, and the URL to which native code is sent is configured in the Editor Preferences window or through the --build-server
command line option to bob. If you wish to set up your own server please follow these instructions.
To create a new extension, create a folder in the project root. This folder will contain all settings, source code, libraries and resources associated with the extension. The extension builder recognizes the folder structure and collects any source files and libraries.
├── ext.manifest
├── src/
├── include/
├── lib/
│ └──[platforms]
├── manifests/
│ └──[platforms]
└── res/
, or architecture-platform
, depending on what architectures are supported by your libraries.
Supported platforms are ios
, android
, osx
, win32
, linux
, web
Supported arc-platform
pairs are arm64-ios
, x86_64-ios
, armv7-android
, arm64-android
, arm64-osx
, x86_64-osx
, x86-win32
, x86_64-win32
, x86_64-linux
, js-web
and wasm-web
, or architecture-platform
just as the “lib” subfolders. A subfolder common
is also allowed, containing resource files common for all platforms.The optional manifests folder of an extension contains additional files used in the build and bundling process. Files should be placed in subfolders named by platform
- This folder accepts a manifest stub file to be merged into the main application (as described here).
file with dependencies to be resolved by Gradle.ios
- This folder accepts a manifest stub file to be merged into the main application (as described here).
file with dependencies to be resolved by Cocoapods.osx
- This folder accepts a manifest stub file to be merged into the main application (as described here).web
- This folder accepts a manifest stub file to be merged into the main application (as described here).Extensions are treated just like any other assets in your project and they can be shared in the same way. If a native extension folder is added as a Library folder it can be shared and used by others as a project dependency. Refer to the Library project manual for more information.
Let’s build a very simple extension. First, we create a new root folder myextension
and add a file ext.manifest
containing the name of the extension “MyExtension
”. Note that the name is a C++ symbol and must match the first argument to DM_DECLARE_EXTENSION
(see below).
# C++ symbol in your extension
name: "MyExtension"
The extension consists of a single C++ file, myextension.cpp
that is created in the “src
” folder.
The extension source file contains the following code:
// myextension.cpp
// Extension lib defines
#define LIB_NAME "MyExtension"
#define MODULE_NAME "myextension"
// include the Defold SDK
#include <dmsdk/sdk.h>
static int Reverse(lua_State* L)
// The number of expected items to be on the Lua stack
// once this struct goes out of scope
// Check and get parameter string from stack
char* str = (char*)luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
// Reverse the string
int len = strlen(str);
for(int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) {
const char a = str[i];
const char b = str[len - i - 1];
str[i] = b;
str[len - i - 1] = a;
// Put the reverse string on the stack
lua_pushstring(L, str);
// Return 1 item
return 1;
// Functions exposed to Lua
static const luaL_reg Module_methods[] =
{"reverse", Reverse},
{0, 0}
static void LuaInit(lua_State* L)
int top = lua_gettop(L);
// Register lua names
luaL_register(L, MODULE_NAME, Module_methods);
lua_pop(L, 1);
assert(top == lua_gettop(L));
dmExtension::Result AppInitializeMyExtension(dmExtension::AppParams* params)
return dmExtension::RESULT_OK;
dmExtension::Result InitializeMyExtension(dmExtension::Params* params)
// Init Lua
printf("Registered %s Extension\n", MODULE_NAME);
return dmExtension::RESULT_OK;
dmExtension::Result AppFinalizeMyExtension(dmExtension::AppParams* params)
return dmExtension::RESULT_OK;
dmExtension::Result FinalizeMyExtension(dmExtension::Params* params)
return dmExtension::RESULT_OK;
// Defold SDK uses a macro for setting up extension entry points:
// DM_DECLARE_EXTENSION(symbol, name, app_init, app_final, init, update, on_event, final)
// MyExtension is the C++ symbol that holds all relevant extension data.
// It must match the name field in the `ext.manifest`
DM_DECLARE_EXTENSION(MyExtension, LIB_NAME, AppInitializeMyExtension, AppFinalizeMyExtension, InitializeMyExtension, 0, 0, FinalizeMyExtension)
that is used to declare the various entry points into the extension code. The first argument symbol
must match the name specified in ext.manifest. For this simple example, there is no need for any “update” or “on_event” entry points, so 0
is provided in those locations to the macro.
Now it is just a matter of building the project (Project ▸ Build). This will upload the extension to the extension builder which will produce a custom engine with the new extension included. If the builder encounters any errors, a dialog with the build errors will show.
To test the extension, create a game object and add a script component with some test code:
local s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
local reverse_s = myextension.reverse(s)
print(reverse_s) --> ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
And that’s it! We have created a fully working native extension.
As we saw above the DM_DECLARE_EXTENSION
macro is used to declare the various entry points into the extension code:
DM_DECLARE_EXTENSION(symbol, name, app_init, app_final, init, update, on_event, final)
The entry points will allow you to run code at various points in the lifecycle of an extension:
- All Defold APIs have been initialized. This is the recommended point in the extension lifecycle where Lua bindings to extension code is created.init()
function of script files are called.update
function of script files are called.on_event
function of script files are called.final
The following identifiers are defined by the builder on each respective platform:
Build server logs are available when the project is using native extensions. The build server log (log.txt
) is downloaded together with the custom engine when the project is built and stored inside the file .internal/%platform%/build.zip
and also unpacked to the build folder of your project.
The Defold asset portal also contain several native extensions.
Did you spot an error or do you have a suggestion? Please let us know on GitHub!