Debugging on Android

Here we describe how to debug a build using Android Studio, the official IDE for Google’s Android operating system.

Android Studio

  • Prepare the bundle by setting the android.debuggable option in game.project


  • Bundle the app in debug mode into a folder of choice.


  • Launch Android Studio

  • Choose Profile or debug APK


  • Choose the apk bundle you just created


  • Select the main .so file, and make sure it has debug symbols


  • If it doesn’t, upload an unstripped .so file. (size is around 20mb)

  • Path mappings help you remap where the individual paths from where the executable was built (in the cloud) to an actual folder on your local drive.

  • Select the .so file, then add a mapping your local drive



  • If you have access to the engine source, add a path mapping to that too.

  • Make sure to checkout the version you are currently debugging

    defold$ git checkout 1.2.148

  • Press Apply changes

  • You should now see the source mapped in your project


  • Add a breakpoint


  • Press Run -> Debug "Appname" and invoke the code you meant to break into


  • You can now step in the callstack as well as inspect the variables


Native Extension job folder

Currently, the workflow is a bit troublesome for development. This is because the job folder name is random for each build, making the path mapping invalid for each build.

However, it works fine for a debugging session.

The path mappings are stored in the project .iml file in the Android Studio project.

It’s possible to get the job folder from the executable

$ arm-linux-androideabi-readelf --string-dump=.debug_str build/armv7-android/ | grep /job

The jobfolder is named like so job1298751322870374150, each time with a random number.