Here we describe how to debug a build using Android Studio, the official IDE for Google’s Android operating system.
Prepare the bundle by setting the android.debuggable
option in game.project
Bundle the app in debug mode into a folder of choice.
Launch Android Studio
Choose Profile or debug APK
Choose the apk bundle you just created
Select the main .so
file, and make sure it has debug symbols
If it doesn’t, upload an unstripped .so
file. (size is around 20mb)
Path mappings help you remap where the individual paths from where the executable was built (in the cloud) to an actual folder on your local drive.
Select the .so file, then add a mapping your local drive
If you have access to the engine source, add a path mapping to that too.
Make sure to checkout the version you are currently debugging
defold$ git checkout 1.2.148
Press Apply changes
You should now see the source mapped in your project
Add a breakpoint
Press Run
-> Debug "Appname"
and invoke the code you meant to break into
You can now step in the callstack as well as inspect the variables
Currently, the workflow is a bit troublesome for development. This is because the job folder name is random for each build, making the path mapping invalid for each build.
However, it works fine for a debugging session.
The path mappings are stored in the project .iml
file in the Android Studio project.
It’s possible to get the job folder from the executable
$ arm-linux-androideabi-readelf --string-dump=.debug_str build/armv7-android/ | grep /job
The jobfolder is named like so job1298751322870374150
, each time with a random number.
Did you spot an error or do you have a suggestion? Please let us know on GitHub!