Defold supports joints for 2D physics. A joint connects two collision objects using some kind of constraint. The supported joint types are:
to a line on bodyA
. The wheel joint also provides a suspension spring. In Box2D referred to as a Wheel joint.Joints can currently only be created programmatically using physics.create_joint()
Editor support for creating joints is planned but no release date has been decided.
-- connect two collision objects with a fixed joint constraint (rope)
physics.create_joint(physics.JOINT_TYPE_FIXED, "obj_a#collisionobject", "my_test_joint", vmath.vector3(10, 0, 0), "obj_b#collisionobject", vmath.vector3(0, 20, 0), { max_length = 20 })
The above will create a fixed joint with id my_test_joint
connected between the two collision object obj_a#collisionobject
and obj_b#collisionobject
. The joint is connected 10 pixels to the left of the center of collision object obj_a#collisionobject
and 20 pixels above the center of collision object obj_b#collisionobject
. The maximum length of the joint is 20 pixels.
A joint can be destroyed using physics.destroy_joint()
-- destroy a joint previously connected to the first collision object
physics.destroy_joint("obj_a#collisionobject", "my_test_joint")
The properties of a joint can be read using physics.get_joint_properties()
and set using physics.set_joint_properties()
function update(self, dt)
if self.accelerating then
local hinge_props = physics.get_joint_properties("obj_a#collisionobject", "my_hinge")
-- increase motor speed by 100 revolutions per second
hinge_props.motor_speed = hinge_props.motor_speed + 100 * 2 * math.pi * dt
physics.set_joint_properties("obj_a#collisionobject", "my_hinge", hinge_props)
The reaction force and torque applied to a joint can be read using physics.get_joint_reaction_force()
and physics.get_joint_reaction_torque()
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