The Defold SDK
The Defold SDK contains the required functionality to declare a native extension as well as interface with the low-level native platform layer on which the application runs and the high-level Lua layer in which the game logic is created.
You use the Defold SDK by including the dmsdk/sdk.h
header file:
The available SDK functions are documented in our API reference. The SDK contains the following namespaces with functions:
- Align - Alignment macros. Use for compiler compatibility
- Array - Templatized array with bounds checking.
- Buffer - Buffer API for data buffers as the main way to communicate between systems. Lua API for buffer creation also exists.
- Condition Variable - API for platform independent mutex synchronization primitive.
- ConfigFile - Configuration file access functions. The configuration file is compiled version of the game.project file.
- Connection Pool - API for a pool of socket connections.
- Crypt - API with cryptographic functions.
- DNS - API with DNS functions.
- Engine - API with core engine functionality to get handles to config files, the internal web server, game object register etc.
- Extension - Functions for creating and controlling engine native extension libraries.
- Game Object - API for manipulating game objects.
- Graphics - Platform specific native graphics functions.
- Hash - Hash functions.
- HID - API for generating programmatic input events.
- HTTP Client - API for interacting with a HTTP clients.
- Json - API for platform independent parsing of json files.
- Log - Logging functions.
- Math - API with mathematical functions.
- Mutex - API for platform independent mutex synchronization primitive.
- SSL Socket - API for secure socket functions.
- Script - Built-in scripting functions.
- Socket - API for socket functions.
- String Functions - API for manipulating strings.
- Thread - API for thread creation.
- Time - API for universal time and timing functions.
- URI - API for manipulation of URIs.
- Web Server - API for a simple high-level single-threaded Web server based on dmHttpServer.
- Shared Library - Utility functions for shared library export/import.
- Sony vector Math Library - The Sony Vector Math library mainly provides functions used in 3-D graphics for 3-D and 4-D vector operations, matrix operations, and quaternion operations.
The Defold SDK headers are included as a separate
archive for each Defold release on GitHub. You can use these headers for code completion in your editor of choice.