Here we describe how to debug a build using Xcode, Apple’s preferred IDE for developing for macOS and iOS.
option (more info):$ cd myproject
$ wget<sha1>/bob/bob.jar
$ java -jar bob.jar --platform armv7-darwin build --with-symbols --variant debug --archive bundle -bo build/ios -mp <app>.mobileprovision --identity "iPhone Developer: Your Name (ID)"
, iTunes
or ios-deploy$ ios-deploy -b <AppName>.ipa
Get the .dSYM
folder (i.e the debug symbols)
If it’s not using Native Extensions, you can download the .dSYM
file from
If you are using a native extension, then the .dSYM
folder is generated when you build with bob.jar. Only building is required (no archive or bundling):
$ cd myproject
$ unzip .internal/cache/arm64-ios/
$ mv dmengine.dSYM <AppName>.dSYM
$ mv <AppName>.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/dmengine <AppName>.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/<AppName>
To properly debug, we need to have a project, and the source code mapped. We’re not using this project to build things, only debug.
Create new Xcode project, choose the Game
Choose a name (e.g. debug
) and the default settings
Choose a folder to save the project into
Add your code to the app
Make sure the “Copy items if needed” is unchecked.
This is the end result
Disable the Build
Set the Deployment target
version so it’s now larger than your device iOS version
Select the target device
You have a few options to debug an app
Either choose Debug
-> Attach to process...
and select the app from there
Or choose the Attach to process by PID or Process name
Start the app on the device
In Edit Scheme
add the
To use lldb, the execution must be paused
path to lldb(lldb) add-dsym <PathTo.dSYM>

read the symbols successfully(lldb) image list <AppName>
(lldb) settings set target.source-map /Users/builder/ci/builds/engine-ios-64-master/build /Users/mathiaswesterdahl/work/defold
(lldb) settings append target.source-map /private/var/folders/m5/bcw7ykhd6vq9lwjzq1mkp8j00000gn/T/job4836347589046353012/upload/videoplayer/src /Users/mathiaswesterdahl/work/projects/extension-videoplayer-native/videoplayer/src
, each time with a random number.$ dsymutil -dump-debug-map <executable> 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep /job
(lldb) settings show target.source-map
You can check what source file a symbol was originating from using
(lldb) image lookup -va <SymbolName>
Open a file in the project view, and set a breakpoint
In order for the debugger to accept the .dSYM
folder, the UUID need to match the UUID of the executable being debugged. You can check the UUID like so:
$ dwarfdump -u <PathToBinary>
Did you spot an error or do you have a suggestion? Please let us know on GitHub!