Materials are used to express how a graphical component (a sprite, tilemap, font, GUI node, model etc) should be rendered.
A material holds tags, information that is used in the rendering pipeline to select objects to be rendered. It also holds references to shader programs that are compiled through the available graphics driver and uploaded to the graphics hardware and run when the component is rendered each frame.
To create a material, right click a target folder in the Assets browser and select New... ▸ Material. (You can also select File ▸ New... from the menu, and then select Material). Name the new material file and press Ok.
The new material will open in the Material Editor.
The material file contains the following information:
. The name should be unique..vp
) to use when rendering with the material. The vertex shader program is run on the GPU for each of a component’s primitive vertices. It computes the screen position of each vertex and also optionally output “varying” variables that are interpolated and input to the fragment program..fp
) to use when rendering with the material. The program runs on the GPU for each of a primitive’s fragments (pixels) and its purpose is to decide the color of each fragment. This is usually done by texture lookups and calculations based on input variables (varying variables or constants).render.predicate()
to collect components that should be drawn together. See the Render documentation on how to do that. The maximum number of tags you can use in a project is 32.Shader attributes (also referred to as vertex streams, or vertex attributes), is a mechanism for how the GPU retrieves vertices from memory in order to render geometry. The vertex shader specifies a set of streams by using the attribute
keyword and in most cases Defold produces and binds the data automatically under the hood based on the names of the streams. However, in some cases you might want to forward more data per vertex to achieve a specific effect that the engine does not produce. A vertex attribute can be configured with the following fields:
will show a color picker in the editor, while the data will still be passed in as-is from the engine to the shader.
The default semantic type. Does not have any other effect on the attribute other than passing the material data for the attribute directly to the vertex buffer (default)SEMANTIC_TYPE_POSITION
Produces per-vertex position data for the attribute. Can be used together with coordinate space to tell the engine how the positions will be calculatedSEMANTIC_TYPE_TEXCOORD
Produces per-vertex texture coordinates for the attributeSEMANTIC_TYPE_PAGE_INDEX
Produces per-vertex page indices for the attributeSEMANTIC_TYPE_COLOR
Affects how the editor interprets the attribute. If an attribute is configured with a color semantic, a color picked widget will be shown in the inspectorSEMANTIC_TYPE_NORMAL
Produces per-vertex normal data for the attributeSEMANTIC_TYPE_TANGENT
Produces per-vertex tangent data for the attributeSEMANTIC_TYPE_WORLD_MATRIX
Produces per-vertex world matrix data for the attributeSEMANTIC_TYPE_NORMAL_MATRIX
Produces per-vertex normal matrix data for the attributeTYPE_BYTE
Signed 8-bit byte valuesTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE
Unsigned 8-bit byte valuesTYPE_SHORT
Signed 16-bit short valuesTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT
Unsigned 16-bit short valuesTYPE_INT
Signed integer valuesTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT
Unsigned integer valuesTYPE_FLOAT
Floating point values (default)VECTOR_TYPE_SCALAR
Single scalar valueVECTOR_TYPE_VEC2
4D vector (default)VECTOR_TYPE_MAT2
4D matrixVertex
Once per vertex, e.g a position attribute will typically be given to the vertex function per vertex in the mesh (default)Instance
Once per instance, e.g a world matrix attribute will typically be given to the vertex function once per instanceCustom attributes can also be used to trim memory footprint on both CPU and GPU by reconfiguring the streams to use a smaller data type, or a different element count.
The material system will assign a default semantic type automatically based on the name of the attribute in run-time for a specific set of names:
- semantic type: SEMANTIC_TYPE_COLOR
- semantic type: SEMANTIC_TYPE_NORMAL
- semantic type: SEMANTIC_TYPE_TANGENT
If you have entries for these attributes in the material, the default semantic type will be overridden with whatever you have configured in the material editor.
Similar to user defined shader constants, you can also update vertex attributes in runtime by calling go.get, go.set and go.animate:
go.set("#sprite", "tint", vmath.vector4(1,0,0,1))
go.animate("#sprite", "tint", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, vmath.vector4(1,0,0,1), go.EASING_LINEAR, 2)
There are some caveats to updating the vertex attributes however, whether or not a component can use the value depends on the semantic type of the attribute. For example, a sprite component supports the SEMANTIC_TYPE_POSITION
so if you update an attribute that has this semantic type, the component will ignore the overridden value since the semantic type dictates that the data should always be produced by the sprites position.
Setting custom vertex data in runtime is currently only supported for sprite components.
Instancing is a technique used to efficiently draw multiple copies of the same object in a scene. Instead of creating a separate copy of the object each time it’s used, instancing allows the graphics engine to create a single object and then reuse it multiple times. For example, in a game with a large forest, instead of creating a separate tree model for each tree, instancing allows you to create one tree model and then place it hundreds or thousands of times with different positions and scales. The forest can now be rendered with a single draw call instead of individual draw calls for each tree.
Instancing is currently only available for Model components.
Instancing is enabled automatically when possible. Defold heavily relies on batching the draw state as much as possible - for instancing to work some requirements must be met:
)Configuring a vertex attribute to be repeated per instance requires that the Step function
is set to Instance
. This is done automatically for certain semantic types based on name (see the Default attribute semantics
table above), but it can also be set manually in the material editor by setting the Step function
to Instance
As a simple example, the following scene has four game objects with a model component each:
The material is configured as such, with a single custom vertex attribute that is repeated per instance:
The vertex shader has multiple per-instance attributes specified:
// Per vertex attributes
attribute highp vec4 position;
attribute mediump vec2 texcoord0;
attribute mediump vec3 normal;
// Per instance attributes
attribute mediump mat4 mtx_world;
attribute mediump mat4 mtx_normal;
attribute mediump vec4 instance_color;
Note that the mtx_world
and mtx_normal
will be configured to use the step function Instance
by default. This can be changed in the material editor by adding an entry for them and setting the Step function
to Vertex
, which will make the attribute be repeated per vertex instead of per instance.
To verify that the instancing works in this case, you can look at the web profiler. In this case, since the only thing that changes between the instances of the box is the per-instance attributes, it can be rendered with a single draw call:
On OpenGL based graphics adapters, instancing requires at least OpenGL 3.1 for desktop and OpenGL ES 3.0 for mobile. This means that very old devices that are using OpenGL ES2 or older OpenGL versions might not support instancing. In this case, rendering will still work by default without any special care from the developer, but it may not be as performant as if actual instancing was used. Currently, there is no way of detecting if instancing is supported or not, but this functionality will be added in the future so that a cheaper material can be used, or things like foliage or clutter that typically would be good candidates for instancing, could be skipped completely.
Shader constants, or “uniforms” are values that are passed from the engine to vertex and fragment shader programs. To use a constant you define it in the material file as either a Vertex Constant property or a Fragment Constant property. Corresponding uniform
variables need to be defined in the shader program. The following constants can be set in a material:
go.set("#sprite", "tint", vmath.vector4(1,0,0,1))
go.animate("#sprite", "tint", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, vmath.vector4(1,0,0,1), go.EASING_LINEAR, 2)
go.set("#sprite", "m", vmath.matrix4())
In order for a material constant of type CONSTANT_TYPE_USER
to be available using go.get()
and go.set()
it has to be used in the shader program. If the constant is defined in the material but not used in the program it will be removed from the material and it will not be available at run-time.
Samplers are used to sample the color information from a texture (a tile source or atlas). The color information can then be used for calculations in the shader program.
Sprite, tilemap, GUI and particle effect components automatically gets a sampler2D
set. The first declared sampler2D
in the shader program is automatically bound to the image referenced in the graphics component. Therefore there is currently no need to specify any samplers in the materials file for those components. Furthermore, those component types currently only support a single texture. (If you need multiple textures in a shader, you can use render.enable_texture()
and set texture samplers manually from your render script.)
-- mysprite.fp
varying mediump vec2 var_texcoord0;
uniform lowp sampler2D MY_SAMPLER;
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(MY_SAMPLER, var_texcoord0.xy);
You can specify a component’s sampler settings by adding the sampler by name in the materials file. If you don’t set up your sampler in the materials file, the global graphics project settings are used.
For model components, you need to specify your samplers in the material file with the settings you want. The editor will then allow you to set textures for any model component that use the material:
-- mymodel.fp
varying mediump vec2 var_texcoord0;
uniform lowp sampler2D TEXTURE_1;
uniform lowp sampler2D TEXTURE_2;
void main()
lowp vec4 color1 = texture2D(TEXTURE_1, var_texcoord0.xy);
lowp vec4 color2 = texture2D(TEXTURE_2, var_texcoord0.xy);
gl_FragColor = color1 * color2;
declared in the fragment shader.WRAP_MODE_REPEAT
will repeat texture data outside the range [0,1].WRAP_MODE_MIRRORED_REPEAT
will repeat texture data outside the range [0,1] but every second repetition is mirrored.WRAP_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
will set texture data for values greater than 1.0 to 1.0, and any values less than 0.0 is set to 0.0—i.e. the edge pixels will be repeated to the edge.Default
uses the default filter option specified in the game.project
file under Graphics
as Default Texture Min Filter
and Default Texture Mag Filter
uses the texel with coordinates nearest the center of the pixel.FILTER_MODE_LINEAR
sets a weighted linear average of the 2x2 array of texels that lie nearest to the center of the pixel.FILTER_MODE_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST
chooses the nearest texel value within an individual mipmap.FILTER_MODE_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR
selects the nearest texel in the two nearest best choices of mipmaps and then interpolates linearly between these two values.FILTER_MODE_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
interpolates linearly within an individual mipmap.FILTER_MODE_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
uses linear interpolation to compute the value in each of two maps and then interpolates linearly between these two values.When the rendering pipeline draws, it pulls constant values from a default system constants buffer. You can create a custom constants buffer to override the default constants and instead set shader program uniforms programmatically in the render script:
self.constants = render.constant_buffer() -- <1>
self.constants.tint = vmath.vector4(1, 0, 0, 1) -- <2>
render.draw(self.my_pred, {constants = self.constants}) -- <3>
constant to bright redNote that the buffer’s constant elements are referenced like an ordinary Lua table, but you can’t iterate over the buffer with pairs()
or ipairs()
Did you spot an error or do you have a suggestion? Please let us know on GitHub!