Importing 3D models

Defold currently support models, skeletons and animations in GL Transmission Format .glTF and Collada .dae format. You can use tools such as Maya, 3D Max, Sketchup and Blender to create and/or convert 3D models into glTF and Collada format. Blender is a powerful and popular 3D modeling, animation and rendering program. It runs on Windows, macOS and Linux and is freely available for download at

Model in Blender

Importing to Defold

To import the model, simply drag and drop the .gltf file or .dae file and the corresponding texture image into the Assets Pane somewhere.

Imported model assets

Using a model

Once you have the model imported into Defold you can use it in a Model component.

Exporting to glTF and Collada

The exported .gltf or .dae file contain all the vertices, edges and faces that make up the model, as well as UV coordinates (what part of the texture image maps to a certain part of the mesh) if you have defined them, the bones in the skeleton and animation data.

  • A detailed description on polygon meshes can be found on

  • UV coordinates and UV mapping is described at

Defold imposes some limitations on exported animation data:

  • Defold currently only supports baked animations. Animations need to have matrices for each animated bone each keyframe, and not position, rotation and scale as separate keys.

  • Animations are also linearly interpolated. If you do more advanced curve interpolation the animations needs to be prebaked from the exporter.

  • Animation clips in Collada are not supported. To use multiple animations per model, export them into separate .dae files and gather the files into an .animationset file in Defold.


When you export a model it’s good to know that we don’t yet support all features. Currently known issues/not supported features from the Gltf format:

  • Morph target animations
  • Material properties
  • Embedded textures

While our ambition is to fully support the Gltf format, we’re not fully there yet. If a feature is missing, please make a feature request for it in our repo

Exporting a texture

If you do not already have a texture for your model you can use Blender to generate a texture. You should do this before you remove extra materials from the model. Start by selecting the mesh and all of its vertices:

Select all

When all vertices are selected you unwrap the mesh to get the UV layout:

Unwrap mesh

You can then proceed to export the UV layout to an image that can be used as a texture:

Export UV layout

Export UV layout settings

Export UV layout result

Exporting using Blender

You export your model using the Export menu option. Select the model before you select the Export menu option and check “Selection Only” to only export the model.

Exporting using Blender