The parent/child relation is set up right in the editor by placing the parent and child game objects in the same collection and then simply dragging the child game object onto the parent.
Note that such a hierarchy must be created in a collection if you do it in the editor.
function init(self)".", "acquire_input_focus") -- <1>
local pos = go.get_position() -- <2>
go.animate(".", "position.y", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, pos.y + 300, go.EASING_INOUTSINE, 3) -- <3>
self.has_child = true -- <4>
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
if action_id == hash("touch") and action.pressed then
if self.has_child then"child", "set_parent", { keep_world_transform = 1 }) -- <5>
label.set_text("#label", "Click to child...") -- <6>
else"child", "set_parent", { parent_id = go.get_id(), keep_world_transform = 1 }) -- <7>
label.set_text("#label", "Click to detach...") -- <8>
self.has_child = not self.has_child -- <9>
1. Tell the engine that this game object wants to receive input.
2. Get the current position.
3. Animate the y position of this game object back and forth.
4. A flag to track if there is a child to this game object or not. Parent-child relations in Defold are only affecting the scene graph so we need to track this ourselves.
5. If the user clicks and there is a child, set the parent to nothing, meaning remove it as a child.
6. Set the label text accordingly.
7. If the user clicks and there is no child, set the parent to this game object.
8. Set the label text accordingly.
9. Set the flag to its inverse.
function init(self)
go.animate(".", "euler.z", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_FORWARD, 360, go.EASING_LINEAR, 1) -- <1>
1. Animate the Z component of the euler rotation property on this game object.
If you want to play with these examples, you can get the project on Github.
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