The setup consists of three game objects. The game.project physics GravityY property is set to -500 to match the scale of the setup.
. A box Shape matching the sprite image is added to the components.DYNAMIC
, Friction set to 0 and Restitution to 1.0. A box Shape matching the sprite image is added to the components.STATIC
. 4 box Shapes are added to the component. These are placed just outside of the game view.kinematic.script
function init(self)".", "acquire_input_focus") -- <1>
self.moving = false -- <2>
local function landed(self) -- <9>
self.moving = false
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
if action_id == hash("touch") and action.pressed then -- <3>
if not self.moving then -- <4>"#label", "disable") -- <5>
self.moving = true -- <6>
pos = vmath.vector3(action.x, action.y, 0) -- <7>
go.animate(".", "position", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, pos, go.EASING_LINEAR, 0.5, 0, landed) -- <8>
1. Tell the engine that this object ("." is shorthand for the current game object) should listen to input. Any input will be received in the `on_input()` function.
2. Store a flag in `self` (the current script component) to indicate if the game object is moving or not.
3. If we receive an input action named "touch" and it is pressed then run the following.
4. If the `moving` flag is not set.
5. Disable (don't show) the help text label.
6. Set the `moving` flag.
7. Create a new position called `pos` (of type `vector3`) where the user clicked.
8. Animate the game object's ("." is shorthand for the current game object) position to `pos`.
When the animation is done, call the function `landed()`.
9. The function `landed()` is called when the animation is done. It just resets the `moving` flag
so subsequent clicks will result in a new movement.
If you want to play with these examples, you can get the project on Github.
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