It seems like you have opened this file by double-clicking on it. In order to test your build in a browser you need to load this file from a web server. You can either upload this file and the rest of the files from a Defold HTML5 bundle to a web hosting service OR host them using a local web server on your home network.
This example shows how to rotate a game object to look at the mouse cursor. It reads the mouse position in on_input and uses the mathematical function math.atan2(x, y) to calculate the angle between the ray to the point to look at and the positive x-axis. This angle is used to set the rotation of the game object to always look at the mouse position.
The example is suitable for the movement in two dimensions, for platformers or top-down games. For 3D objects, check out the next example.
If you want to play with these examples, you can get the project on Github.
Do you want to see more examples? Why not write a few yourself and submit a pull request? We love contributions.