It seems like you have opened this file by double-clicking on it. In order to test your build in a browser you need to load this file from a web server. You can either upload this file and the rest of the files from a Defold HTML5 bundle to a web hosting service OR host them using a local web server on your home network.
This effect consists of two particle effects: trail and bang. In this example there are three different colors, which could be easily changed in particle emitters settings.
The main script fireworks.script spawns the fireworks trail particlefx on startup or when any key is pressed or the mouse button is clicked. It also has a timer that spawns the particlefx in a loop with a 3 second delay.
To start effect:
add factories for splat and trail particles;
call “start_fireworks” method with parameters (time, start point, speed vector).
Images for particles are taken from Kenney Particle Pack.
If you want to play with these examples, you can get the project on Github.
Do you want to see more examples? Why not write a few yourself and submit a pull request? We love contributions.