It seems like you have opened this file by double-clicking on it. In order to test your build in a browser you need to load this file from a web server. You can either upload this file and the rest of the files from a Defold HTML5 bundle to a web hosting service OR host them using a local web server on your home network.
Overview : Example shows 3 pairs of nodes each forming a “health bar” with different pivots.
Create a pair of Box nodes, so that child node is smaller than the parent:
Example contains 3 such pairs - each with different Pivot and X Anchor settings for inner health bars:
West + Left
East + Right
Center + None
Health is indicated as the size on X Axis of the inner node, so define what can be maximum and minimum width here.
Create a collection with such GUI component and add it and your game object with script to collection:
Example shows communication between controller#main script component (healthbar.script) and hud#main gui component with gui_script (healthbar.gui_script).
If you want to play with these examples, you can get the project on Github.
Do you want to see more examples? Why not write a few yourself and submit a pull request? We love contributions.