This example shows how to change the prototype game object used by a factory component. All prototype bullets are stored in a collection and referenced as a collection proxy. The collection proxy is never loaded, but it will ensure that the bullet prototypes are included in the build even though they are not immediately used by a factory. Another alternative is to load bullet prototypes using Live Update.
All bullets are added in the bullets.collection:
The bullets.collection is referenced from the dynamic.collection as a collection proxy:
function init(self)".", "acquire_input_focus")
-- a list of different bullet prototypes
self.bullets = {
-- the currently used bullet prototype
self.bullet_index = 1
-- shoot one bullet per second
-- animate the bullet up 1000 pixels and then delete it
timer.delay(0.2, true, function()
local id = factory.create("#bulletfactory")
local to = go.get_position(id)
to.y = to.y + 1000
go.animate(id, "position", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, to, go.EASING_LINEAR, 1.5, 0, function()
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
-- mouse or spacebar
if (action_id == hash("touch") or action_id == hash("action")) and action.pressed then
-- next bullet prototype, wrap around to the first
self.bullet_index = self.bullet_index + 1
if self.bullet_index > #self.bullets then
self.bullet_index = 1
-- unload current prototype
-- set a new prototype
local prototype = self.bullets[self.bullet_index]
factory.set_prototype("#bulletfactory", prototype)
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