Orbit Camera


In this example, we create a script to control a 3D camera using the mouse and mouse scroll wheel.

We added two objects to the collection: a camera (/camera) and an object (/crate) that we will explore. In the camera object, we added the orbit_camera.script - the script that controls the camera. The properties defined in the script are:

  • zoom: the initial zoom level.
  • zoom_speed: the speed of the zoom.
  • rotation_speed: the speed of the rotation.
  • offset: the offset of the camera from the origin. Use it to move the camera away from the origin.

During init, the script sets up the camera projection, acquires input focus, and establishes starting values for yaw, pitch, and zoom.

In the update loop, the script smoothly interpolates camera rotation and zoom (note: vmath.lerp is used and it doesn’t depend on the delta time, so the camera will move at different speed on different devices), calculates the camera’s rotation and position based on current yaw, pitch, and zoom values, and then updates the camera’s position and rotation accordingly. This creates a fluid, responsive camera movement!

The function on_input handles user input to control the camera. As the user moves the mouse or touches the screen, the script adjusts the yaw and pitch values, allowing the camera to rotate around its focal point. Additionally, it responds to mouse wheel input, adjusting the zoom level to move the camera closer to or further from the center point.

The model used in this example is from Kenney’s Prototype Pack, licensed under CC0.



-- The initial zoom level
go.property("zoom", 3)
-- The speed of the zoom
go.property("zoom_speed", 0.1)
-- The speed of the rotation
go.property("rotation_speed", 0.5)
-- The offset of the camera from the origin
go.property("offset", vmath.vector3(0, 0, 0))

function init(self)
    -- Set the camera projection to be used
    msg.post("@render:", "use_camera_projection")
    -- Acquire input focus to receive input events
    msg.post(".", "acquire_input_focus")

    -- Initialize start values
    self.yaw = go.get(".", "euler.y")
    self.pitch = go.get(".", "euler.x")
    self.zoom_offset = 0
    self.current_yaw = self.yaw
    self.current_pitch = self.pitch
    self.current_zoom = self.zoom_offset

function update(self, dt)
    -- Animate camera rotation and zoom
    self.current_yaw = vmath.lerp(0.15, self.current_yaw, self.yaw)
    self.current_pitch = vmath.lerp(0.15, self.current_pitch, self.pitch)
    self.current_zoom = vmath.lerp(0.15, self.current_zoom, self.zoom_offset)

    -- Calculate rotation and position
    local camera_yaw = vmath.quat_rotation_y(math.rad(self.current_yaw))
    local camera_pitch = vmath.quat_rotation_x(math.rad(self.current_pitch))
    local camera_rotation = camera_yaw * camera_pitch
    local camera_position = self.offset + vmath.rotate(camera_rotation, vmath.vector3(0, 0, self.zoom + self.current_zoom))

    -- Set camera position and rotation

function on_input(self, action_id, action)
    if action_id == hash("touch") then
        self.yaw   = self.yaw   - action.dx * self.rotation_speed
        self.pitch = self.pitch + action.dy * self.rotation_speed
    elseif action_id == hash("wheel_up") then
        self.zoom_offset = self.zoom_offset - self.zoom * self.zoom_speed
    elseif action_id == hash("wheel_down") then
        self.zoom_offset = self.zoom_offset + self.zoom * self.zoom_speed

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